Breathing? Never heard of it, is that like a plant or something?

Daniel pov:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring through the house and I woke up immediately to turn it off. I looked around and realized that we all fell asleep on the living room couch.
I didn't want to wake them before I actually had to leave for my flight so I went upstairs and got ready. It was 5am and my flight was at 7am so I had a good hour and 30 minutes, since I had to leave, because the airport is like 10 minutes away.
I got my suitcase and backpack from my closet and put it at the entrance of the room. Then I went into the closet and picked out what I was going to wear.
I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and I took a quick warm shower. Then I changed into my black sweats and a red hoodie and some slip on vans. It wasn't a long flight but I still wanted to be comfortable. As for my hair I don't really feel like doing anything with it so I just put the hood of my hoodie over it.
Then I headed downstairs with my stuff and put them next to the front door for easy access when I'm leaving and I had to leave in 10 minutes to the airport. I then decided I should wake the guys up so I could say goodbye before I left.
I got the air horn because I didn't feel like waking them up one by one since that takes long. I pressed down on it and as soon as I did all the guys got up so quick it actually scared me.
"What the fuck Daniel" - Jonah
"I'm sewing, I have my lawyer on speed dial"- Zach. And Corbyn and jack where still half asleep.
"Jonah I'm leaving so I had to wake you guys up to say goodbye before I left. Zach your lawyer is also my lawyer so good luck with that" I said as I winked at him.
"WHAT YOUR ALREADY LEAVING" yelled Corbyn and Jack. Well I guess they're wake now.
"Yea" I said answering their question.
"We'll miss you" they all said as the gave me a group hug.
"I'll miss you guys too but it's just 2 days guys".
"I'll miss you roomie" said jack as he gave one more hug". God I'll miss his warmth and his smell.
"I'll miss you too buddy"I said hugging back.
Then I got a call from my Uber saying that he was outside. I went to the front door and got my backpack and suitcase and then I waved everyone bye and they all waved back.
I got into the Uber and told the Uber the directions and then I sat back in my seat and looked out the window. Ahhh I'm gonna miss them but I miss my family and getting away from stress for a while will be good.
I got to the airport in no time and then I checked in and headed to my gate.
After a while of waiting I boarded and I took my seat next to the window. Then I got my mac from my backpack (aha that rimes) and watched Supernatural.
- after flight-
I basically slept most of the plane ride and now I'm making my way to baggage claim to get my bag. While I was getting my bag, Tyler came from behind me and scared me. "Oh my god Daniel I missed you"
"Missed you too bro"I replied.
I told Tyler I was coming so he could come pick me up but I'm going to surprise everyone else.
I stepped out of the airport and got taken back by the Portland wind.
Tyler and I made our way to his car and headed home.
             When we were in the drive way I realized just how much I missed my house. I got out of the car and got my luggage and I walked up to the front door and opened it.
          I dropped my stuff at by the front door and then I walked into the kitchen where the my mom and sister where.
"Hey" they turned around so quick I swear I heard their necks crack.
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD DANIEL" my mom kept yelling as she ran over to me and embraced me in a tight hug.
"I missed you too mom" I said smiling at her as she released me from our hug.
"Hey buddy" Anna said  as I hugged her.
"Hey kiddo" I responded smiling at her.
           "ANNA WHATS WRONG I HEARD YOUR MOM SCREAMING" my dad yelled running down the stairs with a knife.
            "Well hello to you too dad"
"DANIEL" he yelled as he was running over to me to give me a hug.
"Put the knife down first dad" I said laughing at him.
"Right" he responded as he put the knife on the counter.
            He then gave me a long tight hug. I swear if he had hugged me a little longer I would have stopped breathing. He let me go and I let out a long breath.
           "Where's Chris" I asked.
"He's on vacation in NYC right now" responded Anna.
" oh okay."
         "So what's with the surprise" - Anna
"I missed you guys" I replied.
      "Well we missed you too, how long are you staying" - mom
       "Just 2 days" I replied.
My mom nodded and we walked into the living room where Tyler was already sitting watching white chicks. Then we sat and talked for a bit.
          After a while I started getting tired.
"I'm gonna go to my room and get ready to sleep because I'm kind of tired from the flight" I said getting all their attentions.
    "Okay goodnight" they all responded looking back at the tv.
       " goodnight, love you guys" I said getting my stuff from the living room and walking up the stairs to my room with them. 
          I opened my room door and walked into my room and it looks just like how I left it. All my instruments in their place and my bed neatly made. Wow I missed my room.
             I went into the bathroom and put on my music playlist and I took a long shower. When I got out everything was foggy so I opened my bathroom door to clear out my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in a white tshirt and my pj pants.
             I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't so I decide to call the guys. I got my mac and called Zach because he always answers and I know he's awake.
          It was ringing and within 5 seconds of it ringing he answered (I wish my friends would answer my FaceTime calls that fast lmao I need new friends so if your interested send in your applications in my messages haha) 
               "Hiiiiiii Daniel" he yelled waving his hand at the camera. He was in the living room and I could see family guy playing in the background.
" hi Zach" I said waving back at him.
"We miss you already" said Jonah and Corbyn as they sat next on either side Zach.
" miss you guys too, where's jack" I said.
  "On a date with Alex" Corbyn replied.
"Oh okay" I said quietly not trying to seem bothered.
          After a while of talking to the boys about random things I heard the doorbell ring.
    "It must be jack" Jonah said as he got up to open it. He walked in and was talking to the boys. "
"How was the date" Corbyn asked jack.
"It was great, Alex is great" he replied and smile dropped but I didn't want to let it get to me.
"So what have you guys been up to"he asked.
   "We've been talking to Daniel, wanna say hi, he's still on" Zach replied.
        Jack walked over to Zach's computer and waved at me.
            "Hi Daniel, we miss you already bud" he said and he smiled.
      "I miss you too bud" I said smiling back at him.
Then after a while of talking I started to get sleepy.
"I'll call you guys sometime tomorrow again, I'm getting sleepy so goodnight, love you guys"
"Goodnight Daniel, we love you" Zach replied and I smiled and ended the call. 
Jacks pov:

After the call with Daniel we all decided we should go to sleep so we all headed to our rooms to get ready to sleep.
      I went into my room and changed my clothes and brushed my teeth.
    I then laid in bed but I just couldn't go to sleep so I just stayed there staring at the sealing.
                 After a while of not being able to sleep I got my phone and was trying to decide whether I should call Daniel or not. He's probably asleep but he always sings me la vie en rose when I'm having a hard time sleeping and It helps me sleep.
           I decide I'll just call him to give it a shot.
After a while of ringing he picks up.
      "Hey jack, is everything okay" he says in a raspy voice. Yea I definitely woke him up.
     "Daniel I can't go to sleep can you sing me la vie en rose" I said quietly.
     "Sure, close your eyes" he said. man he's such a good friend. But I did as he said and closed my eyes as he sang me the song.

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me, Heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose

When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom

And when you speak
Angels sing from above
Every day words
Seem to turn into love songs
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose

My eyes where getting heavy and I already felt my self falling asleep. He didn't even finish the song before I heard...
"Goodnight jack" he said thinking I was fully asleep and then he ended the phone call and I fell right asleep.
Hope you guys enjoyed and it's not edited because I'm lazy so yea haha.

Here's the video of Daniel actually singing la vie en rose because I thought I would bless you guys ;)

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