Chapter One

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  Dipper Pines carefully put the clerical collar into the collar of his cleric robes and examined himself in the mirror. He chugged the glass of milk he'd left on the counter and grabbed his black messenger bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he rushed out of his door without locking it. No one would break into the youth minister's house, right?
  He got into his very clean looking, white Chevrolet Camaro and drove to the church, already seven minutes late. He rushed to the kid's section. He panted softly as he reached the front of the room. Some littler kids were playing with blocks or dolls or the other kids. Some of the older kids, like the teenagers, we're either playing on their phones, or talking to each other.

  "Good morning, everyone. I sincerely apologize for my tardiness. I suppose I should work on that, hmm?" Dipper chuckled softly. The children started gathering near the front in the rows of chairs.

  "It has come to my attention that lately some of you have been struggling with fears and problems. Perhaps it is time for a Bible verse. Likely one of my favorites, this is John 14:27. 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.'"

  The children looked genuinely confused at what he meant. One or two teens rolled their eyes. Some people are afraid of what they don't understand.

  "Basically what I mean to say is that I am always here if you need to talk, and I will always help. I'm not just your minister, I am also your friend. If you do not want to talk about the Lord as part of your advice, that's alright. I will give you advice as a human, not as a Christian." He smiled.

  "This next verse, I would like to to interpret and tell me what you think.'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!' That is John 16:33."

  After a few seconds, a lean number of people raised their hands.

  After about four more Bible verses and the explanation of them, an hour had passed. The adults came flooding in through the slender door to pick up their children and leave the church.

  "Wonderful sermon, minister~" A soft voice whispered in Dipper's ear, making the latter boy jump. He turned around to see a teen, maybe about his age. He had blonde hair on the top, most likely dyed since the sides were shorter and a more natural looking brown.

  "U-uhm, you weren't in my class. I take it unto myself to remember everyone's names, and you've never told me yours." Dipper was trying to calm himself down, slightly leaning against the podium that he'd just finished his sermon at.

  "Bill Cipher! Pleased to make your acquaintance." Bill grinned and picked up Dipper's hand, gently pressing his lips to the back of it. This made the latter boy's heart race, but he quickly and forcefully snatched his hand back.

  One of the preteens from Dipper's class rushed into the room after leaving just minutes earlier, making Dipper whip his head around to see who was there. "Oh, hello, Peter." The older boy smiled weakly.

  "S-sir, I really need to talk to you about something. As a person, not as a Christian." Peter was noticeably nervous, pretending to pick at one of his nails. "Alright, Peter, just let me tell Bi-" He turned around to see no one there, letting out a soft sigh as he just figured that he'd walked out while Dipper was facing Peter.

Peter had dark brown hair and light freckles all over his pale face, complimenting his bright green eyes. "Alright, Pete. Just sit down and let's talk through whatever you need." He came out from behind the podium and sat in one of the comically small plastic chairs.

  "Sir-" "Please, don't call me sir. I'm only seventeen. I'm hardly your superior." Dipper smiled. "Alright, um, Dipper... I think that I like boys. And I'm afraid that God is going to hate me for it."

  Dipper ruffled his hair a little. "The Lord loves everyone. No matter their race, religion, gender, or sexuality. You are not a bad person, Peter. You're going to get into Heaven with no problem. It's where you belong. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual, and feel free to come to me for anything."

  He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down some numbers on it, then handed it to him. "At any time, feel free to contact me with that phone number. I'm always here for you, kid." He smiled.

  "Oh, thank you, Dipper!" Peter smiled widely, almost tackling the older boy in a hug. He just chuckled and patted his back, straightening his back again. He watched as Peter rushed back out of the room, and when he looked back at his spot, Bill Cipher was there.

   "STOP SCARING ME" The youth minister shouted, scooting over two chairs so they wouldn't be too close. Bill didn't say anything, just crawled over to Dipper and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into a kiss.

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