Chapter Eight

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  The next few days without Bill were rather boring. Dipper got lonely after the first day. He decided some hot chocolate will help, so he headed down to Greasy's Diner to see his favorite waitress, get his favorite hot cocoa, and maybe have some of his favorite pancakes.

Lazy Susan greeted him enthusiastically when the bell above the door announced Dipper's arrival. "Dipper! Welcome back," She grinned in her high-pitched voice. He responded with weak smile, sitting down in one of the booths. She walked to the side of it, frowning a little at his gloomy expression.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" She asked softly, not wanting the other customers to hear. "Pacifica and I broke up, Susan," He sighed, "and Mabel keeps wanting to talk to me about it, but I don't want to talk about it. I love my sister with all my heart, but she's not a great listener."

"Too much glitter in the ears?" Susan laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood. Dipper laughed half-heartedly. "If you don't want to talk about what happened, I won't force it out of ya. But I'm always here to talk." "Thanks, Susan."

"Well, I don't assume you came here just to tell me that, so what would you like to order? On the house." Susan was probably his favorite person in Gravity Falls at the moment. His Gruncles kept trying to get him into some weird monster-hunting cult or something, Mabel couldn't understand, Bill had left him when he could've used some help. But Susan... Susan was always nice, no matter what. She always understood.

"No, no, I insist on paying. A hot chocolate and a stack of pancakes, please," Dipper smiled up at her. "Always such a gentleman. You get that so often, we should offer it as a combo and call it 'The Big Dipper'." They laughed together at the silly name. "I'll be pancake royalty here at Greasy's," He agreed.

Susan left to go get him his food, leaving Dipper with his thoughts. "That's a dangerous thing, Pine Tree," he could almost hear Bill saying, grinning through his words. Did he actually miss the insufferable demon? No, he decided, he was just lonely now that he'd pushed everyone but Susan away.

He thanked Susan when the food arrived, his smile gradually growing in her warm presence. The hot cocoa burnt his tongue, but he didn't care as he gulped it down like his life depended on it. He gobbled the pancakes as well and realized he hadn't eaten for almost two days. Time flies when you're cooped up in bed and buried in your blanket.

He left a twenty on the table, Dipper always paid with a twenty and instructed Susan to keep the change when he ate that meal. He got up, out of his booth and saw lots of Gravity Falls residents turn to their dates, or their families or friends. They glanced at Dipper every few seconds and whispered to each other.

Did they think Dipper was oblivious? They weren't even trying to be discreet. Gravity Falls being a small town and all, word traveled fast, especially about breakups. He brushed it off, gently murmuring curses under his breath as the bell above the door declared his recession back into outside, back into a hermit, back into depression.

"My way of feeling better sure is the better option in some cases..." He whispered to himself as he looked across the street and saw two pretty girls on either side of a gorgeous, sobbing girl as they led her into the only bar in Gravity Falls with looks on their faces that appeared to be them wondering if this was the right choice. Had the brunet been in a more cheery and helpful mood, maybe he would have directed them to his own solution that was now standing behind him.

He started walking home the same way that he always did, glancing down at his phone to see that he had multiple missed calls from Mabel and Pacifica. And a whole bunch of texts from Mabel, but not his ex. He began to ponder that maybe Pacifica really wanted to yell at him, and that's why she would call and not text.

As soon as he brought his head up from his phone, two arms were being hooked under Dipper's armpits so his arms were pulled back and his shoulder blades were almost touching. He was dragged behind a red brick building, kicking and screaming. "Shut the FUCK UP!" Someone shouted.

He was repeatedly punched in the stomach until his vision got blurry and he could taste blood in his mouth. There were two foggy figures, he saw. If you could call it seeing. He was dropped on the ground to his back, limp. He was kicked multiple times as well, he could practically feel the bruises starting to form. His stomach hurt, his throat hurt from screaming, and his eyes burned with salty tears that ran down his face after the first punch. A few punches to his face later, he closed his eyes finally and accepted that he was helpless.

Then, a knight in yellow armor came to his rescue and his eyes shot open in anticipation. Bill! Dipper wanted to shout for him, but he couldn't think. He couldn't speak. All he could do was smile and realize that Bill would take care of them. Of him. Bill, the demon, which went against like half of the bible, was a good person. His Bill Cipher. The bad guys were on the ground, and Bill stood over them menacingly while admiring the destruction of his crush's attackers.

He left the perps on the ground and picked Dipper up gently, bridal-style. "Shh, it's okay baby.. I am so sorry I wasn't here to protect you." He murmured. He really did care about his Pine Tree. Dipper responded by clutching Bill's bright yellow lapels and weakly smiling up at him. Bill grinned back. "I'm taking you to the hospital, my love."


Author's Note: WOO! 1005 WORDS!(Excluding this author's note.) I'm sorry my chapters aren't very long. My phone went to absolute shit, so I'll be on my laptop more for a while. Which means I'm more likely to update! I hope you like the story so far, I'll try to update tomorrow or the next day. Have an amazing day! :)

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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