Chapter Three

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"What a piece of work..." Dipper whispered, gently touching his lips with his first two fingers. "But damn, he's a better kisser than Pacifica... Or anyone I've kissed before, for that matter."
  Dipper sighed and hurried into the bathroom to take care of his... Well, his problem. He leaned against the counter that the quartz sink was built into, after locking the door. He sighed and slowly slipped a hand into his ebony trousers while bringing up his free hand to cover his mouth to muffle any sound that would most likely come out.

  "B-Bill..." He moaned softly, muffled by his hand as he began stroking himself. "Fuck~" Dipper pulled himself out of his pants and started stroking faster, bucking his hips a little.

  "God... Why is thinking about him getting me off..?" He groaned, sighing softly. But nonetheless, his mind filled with images of the handsome demon as he slowly moved his hand up and down his shaft. After about ten minutes, he finally came and wiped it up with a tissue. "This is a new low" He whispered.

  Dipper put himself back into his pants and exited the bathroom, immediately met by his girlfriend's blonde hair facing away from him. "What's a new low?" She smiled a little, folding her clothes and putting the pants and skirts in the bottom drawer while sitting on her shins.

   "Uh... I'm just trying to find Bible verses that the kids will understand, and I've resorted to very simple and clear passages. Nothing they can interpret, it's pretty straight forward." Dipper lied, biting his lip gently and looking away.

  "What's wrong, baby? You never lie to me." Pacifica pouted, standing up and putting a hand on her hip. "I'm not lying, Pacifica!" He shouted, stomping into the kitchen. Pacifica sighed. "Would you at least take the brownies out of the oven?" She shouted to the kitchen, going back to putting clothes away.

  "At least..?" Dipper grunted, opening the oven and grabbing the pan. He cried in pain with his slightly deep voice and drew his hand away quickly. "FUCK!" He shouted, nursing his badly burned hand. Pacifica rushed out and took his arm, looking at his hand. "You idiot" She murmured and pulled him over to the sink.

  She ran very cold water over his hand, making Dipper hiss in pain. "Stop being a baby, Dip." Pacifica sighed, grabbing his arm again and pulling him towards the door. "Where are we going, Pacifica?" He sighed. "The hospital. This is bad. That oven was 425 degrees." She pulled him to her lavender jeep wrangler and got into the driver's seat.

  The whole way there, Dipper was complaining about the color of the jeep and the pain in his hand. "I get it, Dipper! It hurts! My car is purple! Shut the fuck up!" Pacifica nearly screamed, slamming her hand down on the dashboard.

  Her boyfriend was slightly taken back by her yelling, his face turning a deep shade of red. "I'm sorry, Pacifica. It's been a weird and rough day. I shouldn't have whined about it." He sighed, looking out of the window on his side. She sighed as well, now.

  "I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry. I know that it hurts, you have the right to whine about it. I was out of line to shout." Neither of them seemed to be too happy about apologizing.

  Dipper just nodded, still staring out the window. They were silent for the last fifteen minutes of the ride, until they got to the urgent care center in town.

"Dipper Pines for Dr. Weber." Pacifica told the receptionist. After about a twenty minute wait, (which wasn't very urgent for an urgent care, Dipper decided) they were escorted to a small room with a medical examination table and other medical supplies.

It was another ten minute wait before the doctor showed up. "Hey there, Pine Tree! Karma's a bitch, huh?" Bill grinned in a sadistic kind of way.

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