Birth of Accordance

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               The world of yesterday once shone bright, the singular residence of the universe's life. The light was now extinguished, and the ash covered globe lay dark in the void. Its creator could only look on in dismay. The void returned to endless silence, and the stars themselves were frozen.

With a small spark, seven spirits were brought into existence. Each one invisible and formless, they were like children, eager to learn. Their Creator told them that this universe was a canvas for them to work, and that they would be guided in creating a masterpiece to his glory. Eager to please their parent, the spirits agreed. The Creator asked what they would do to complete the masterpiece, and each spoke.

The first spirit wished to bring more light to the void, and promised to make bright stars and suns. He took the form of a human with long, glowing hair. He was strong in spirit, and with little exertion could move the stars. The name he took was Solis Ben-Ammi.

The second spirit wished to shape the worlds that would fill the voids. With his strong hands, he would forge and temper the stars and debris of the void to create new planets and moons. Like his eldest brother, he was strong in spirit, but also strong in body. He took the form of a man as well, with long, black hair and a strong body. The name he took was Terra Yios.

The third spirit, intrigued by his two brothers, wished to join in their work. He would assist in shaping the worlds and creating beauty and structure among their landscapes. He would create the minerals of these worlds, so that they may each be unique. He took the form of a strong young man. The name he took was Terra Orm.

The fourth and fifth spirits now realized that only they would see the beauty of what their brothers would create. They wished for there to be others. The fourth spirit decided that she would assist the Creator in creating the forms of new beings that would fill these worlds. The fifth sister wished to assist in bringing life to these forms, so that they could yet live, but also enjoy the worlds that would be created. The fourth sister would be known as Vitalia Mortha, and the fifth would be known as Euphoria Olanni, both taking the forms of beautiful young women.

The sixth spirit wished to help the new beings of the universe to understand the work of their creators, and so he would assist in teaching them. He took the name Etherum. His form, although that of a human, was concealed by a hazy cloak of a soft blue.

The seventh and final spirit decided that he would walk besides these beings and guide them to live as best as they can be. While he did not know what he would see or do, he knew he would learn just as much. He would take the name Craeus, and remained formless.

With this decided, they worked together to fill the void alongside their creator. The dust and heat of the stars were used to forge new worlds. These worlds were struck by all manner of powerful debris from the void, shaping their landscapes. Not long after, the empty rocks would be covered in all manner of strange plants, and then animals. On each one, mortals were brought up, each bringing about their own histories and civilizations.

Craeus, the formless spirit, floated down to one world where the mortals had begun to gain great numbers. The light blue energy lay in the middle of a vast desert. Craeus could sense energy emanating from a small patch of greenery. The spirit faded and reappeared there.

The mortals within this tiny oasis wore little but short brown robes and straw hats. Many of them had stopped, seeing a strange light shining over the center of the oasis. Craeus watched as they all stared in awe. He spoke.

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