Practice Makes Perfect

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The awakening sunlight tore through the sheer black curtains that cascade over my windows.
My body aches from the position I fell asleep in. Soreness stung my tear streaked eyes. There was this void in my mind as if every serene thought was ripped away, and replaced by silent raindrops that I could no longer contain.
My phone aggravatingly buzzes from notifications. There are 4 messages from April, 3 messages from Oliver, and 1 message from Jonah.

Hey, wanna come over and spend the night? We have so much to talk about!- delivered 5:08 pm

Helllooo? You Ok? You always answer your phone... - delivered 7:57 pm

Violet? Ok, you're starting to worry me. There's no way you got grounded- delivered 10:25 pm

Well ok then... I guess we'll see each other tomorrow, night...- delivered 11:42 pm

Damn... I have a lot of explaining to do. I check out Oliver's messages.

Hey babe. 😘- delivered 9:37 pm

Are you ok?- delivered 10:23 pm

Ok...well if you're asleep then goodnight 😘...I love you. ❤- delivered 11:45 pm

I missed our good nights. We always say goodnight to each other.

Hey, what happened to us studying for our chemistry test that is tomorrow??- delivered 7:55 pm

Crap! I completely forgot! I'm such an idiot! Maybe we could meet up early before school starts. I check the time,
8:15 am...
I spring onto my feet grabbing the first T-shirt and jeans I could find. I took my shoes, book bag, and keys making a run down the hallway.
Just as I'm about to open the door, I am stopped by my grandmother...

What the hell does she want now?
"I'm gonna be late to class, now if you'll excuse me, I have a future to look forward to", I say through gritted teeth.
"Ha! What future? You'll screw up just like your mom did, when she made the mistake of getting pregnant with you," she smirked knowing she is getting to me.
No... Not this time, or ever again.
"Ahaha, I'm sure grandfather thought the same when he married you. You're such an ugly witch on the inside. I'm surprised I haven't found your dusty old broomstick!", I growl.
The look in her eyes changed from taunting to scorned within a matter of seconds.
I got her this time....
The next thing I knew, my face was struck by her clammy hand. The stinging sensation rushed all over my cheek. I stood back shocked because she never hit me before. She leaned closer to me and whispered, "you're lucky you still live under this house; I could send you away with no regrets. Nobody would ever want you, until then you better watch what you say".

I had enough of this.
How is it that she always gets the best of me every time?!
I run past her to my car. As soon as I get in, I scream. My fist pounded on the steering wheel. I cried once more.
Driving down my long dreary road was setting me in a melancholy mood. Then again, I'm never really an upbeat person. I can't help but to think about yesterday and today. Everything that happened leads me to wishing my parents were here.
What if she did send me away? It wouldn't be such a bad thing. I would be free from her, and I'd be happy again.
But my friends... I can't leave them. They mean the entire world to me. They've had my back since 7th grade.
I have to tell April and Oliver though. They deserve to know, maybe they can help me through this. After all, that's what friends are for, right?

               *                  *                  *

"What happened to you?? I texted you a million times last night!" April melodramatically yelled.
I rolled my eyes slightly annoyed.
"I lost my phone, and then I found it under my seat in the car", I laughed.
"Mhmm", she raised an eyebrow and crosses her arms.
Damn... I forget she knows when I lie.
I sigh.
"I'll tell you everything later, not here though", I finally say.
"Is it bad?", she questioned.
"Depends on what you think... I don't know, but we should head to band before Mr. Ramsey has a fit"


Harmonic Notes Of InsanityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora