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Hello, my name is Signa I know weird Name but I Kinda like it
It's different. Anyways I live in what you would call the poor side of New Jersey.
I'm not wealthy at all which sucks, but I have a best friend named Sage that lives on the wealthy side of Jersey.

I'm thankful to have her in my life.
We met in first grade when she was new I was the only one to talk to her, which I'm happy about because i don't know if we would be friends today if I hadn't.
Even after she seen the way I lived she still accepted me something I'm also thankful for.
I have always been jealous of her.
Her tan skin, pretty brown eyes, her perfect face structure she has really nice cheek bones and jawline.

Me on the other hand, I have pale skin that literally never tans which pisses me off,  blue eyes, and I have short almost white hair, the reason my hair is like that is because my parents always made me have long dark hair.
One day they pissed me off so I chopped it all off and had Sage dye it white, my parents didn't look or even talk to me for a month straight.

My parents my lovely amazing parents. (Note the sarcasm)
Well there never home because there out selling drugs, they think I don't know which I do but I just let them do there thing because once I graduate I'm out of here to L.A with Sage, which I can't wait cause I only have four more months left of hell.

An: well this is chapter one I hope you like it. This is my first book which I understand if it sucks🤦‍♀️
Thanks for reading and remember to vote❣️

Survival of the richest~Ethan DolanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora