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I put out the cigarette in the ash tray and sigh "Sage why the hell would I go to a party after what just happened" I question.

I'm still bummed out and in shock about what happened and everyone brushed past it like no big deal.

Yeah guys it's cool ya know it's just rape it's fine, fuck no it's not fine it makes you feel gross and someone stronger than you taking advantage of you like that is sickening.

"Sig come on it's been a month since you have done anything, I know you got raped and all but like please"I sigh and shake my head no.

"It's not easy Sage, when someone even bumps shoulders with me I flinch, how the fuck am I suppose to survive in a small house with tons of people" I argue. I'm gonna win.

"Come on Ethan invited both of us key word both and your being a pussy". She says and I instantly snap my head at her.

"A pussy" I question und my breath to my self then look at Sage "a fucking pussy, I WAS RAPED SAGE HOW THE FUCK AM I BEING A PUSSY" I yell.

"Sig I didn't mean it like that" she sighs running a hand through her hair. "When's the party" I ask and she screeches.

"Friday night, why did you change your mind" she asks and I sigh.

"I'm not a pussy"

Survival of the richest~Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now