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A/n I'm so so so sorry I have been super busy and haven't had wifi, but.... HERES THE UPDATE ENJOYYYYY😱😱

Ughhh here I am again in what people like to call school and I like to call hell hole, I don't have the best reputation in school I'm known as the bad bitch I

Like people are scared of me, which I can understand cause I'm not the nicest person. The only reason why I'm like this though is because I have never really had parents showing me right from wrong or manners. So that's my excuse.

Anyways I was walking through the halls of hell hole when somebody had the audacity to bump shoulders with me. I turned around to look only to find a ninth grader, she flinched when I started to talk.

"Watch where your going asshole" I spat, I'm going easy cause it's just a ninth grader, I'm a senior and that obviously wouldn't be fair.

I finally made it to Sage's locker to see her angry. "What's your problem?" I ask, hey just because we are best friends doesn't mean I have to go soft on her (eww).
"It's Evan he hasn't answered my calls and doesn't reply to my texts and I haven't seen him in three days" she replies in a whiny voice.

"He's prolly cheating, again" I mumble the last part. Gross I can't stand Evan he's wealthy like Sage but unlike Sage he judges me and cheats on my best friend which is very wrong. He's a prick.

"No he's not stop assuming things you don't know him to judge him" she spat.... this bitch
"Oh but he has the right to judge me by literally everything I do?" I fire back she scoffs and stomps to first period.

I roll my eyes and decided that I should got to first period, I'm always late and the teachers already hate me enough so there's no harm in that.

As I'm walking the one and only Ethan Dolan slaps my ass.
"WHAT THE FUCK" I yell at him no man has the right to touch a girl like that.

"What babe just claiming whats mine" he replies with a wink and walks off.

I am fuming right now.
Ok so just a little heads up on Ethan he is the worlds biggest fuckboy and the hottest.
What it's true..... anyways he's like the bad boy of the school gag me. He's like me but he has money and he's way worse then me, he's a bigger dick.

He always has a new chick under his arm which disgusts me. It's whatever
though it's his life.

A/N: I really hope that you are enjoying this. I understand if it sucks haha I do not mind if you guys have suggestions or anything that's bugging you about the book, DM or just comment if you do, for my first book I don't think it's that bad but I know it's not great. Anyways thanks for reading and remember to vote✌🏻

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