Chapter 14

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Don't forget to vote on the last chapter about the Evie-Snow situation!

"Okay Evie you need to get down," Doug said

"We're almost there!" I complained

"Yeah that's why you need to get down, for that you can walk 5 feet." He told me.

"Oh," I let go and let Doug lead the way.

We walked through this vine arch way and it was actually pretty cool to see the see all of Auradon.

"Of course!" Doug said. "They tell us to be here at 6 and they're not even here!"

"Well give them sometime they'll get here," I reminded him.

"Carlos just stressed it so much that I was on time,"

We came up to a basket and a blanket laid out. On the blanket there was a note. I picked it up, the front was off White with gold calligraphy reading


I opened the flap up and read it out loud.

"Thanks for everything you've guys ever done for us, enjoy your night. Signed Carlos, Jane, Lonnie, Mal, Ben, and Jay." I smiled.

"Aww," Doug said. "They're right, we do everything for them."

"Well not everything," I corrected

"Evie you clean their rooms," He reminded me. "And bring them food, and help them with their homework."

"Well we both help them," I told him.

"It doesn't matter, let's just enjoy our night." Doug suggested

I pulled out my phone.

Guys you didn't have to do this! Thank you so much!

Jay: You guys deserve it.

Jane: honestly

What can we do to make it up to you?

Ben: Evie, the whole point of this was for US to make it up to you!

You guys are the best.

Carlos: We know.

Ben: Now go!

Lonnie: Have fun!

Bye guys!

"So what did they plan?" I asked Doug as he was laying out the food.

"They have bread and butter," Doug held it up. "They know us so well. They also have the greatest food in Auradon, rice and creamy soup,"

"They managed to keep that hot?" I asked

"I don't know," He grabbed a spoon and dipped it before placing it in his mouth. "Ah, ah, burning sensations in my mouth!"

"Wow, we do have smart friends," I said impressed.

I looked in the basket once I saw something poking out. "Oh my Auradon! They have rock candy and chocolate and that stuff that's crunchy and sweet!"

I heard Doug sigh. "Maybe we should save those until tomorrow,"

"Whyyyyyy?" I asked

"Because you'll be up all night." He explained

"No I wo-"

"Yes you will," he took the blue stick out of my hand.

He's right.

"Hand me a spoon please," I asked

"Here you go," Doug said

"Thanks," I took the soup cans blowed it off. "OH MY GOD THEY PUT BACON IN IT!"

"That's nice," Doug laughed

See, he has a really bad taste in soup and really doesn't care if there's bacon in it. Unlike me who thinks bacon is the best thing on this planet.

I looked out towards the city. I love it out here. It's breathtaking. What makes it better is that I'm spending it with the guy who takes my breath away.

"Hey," Doug started. "Because we have this area to yourselves, wanna just stay here the whole night?"

"But the ice cream." I reminded him.

"We can do that tomorrow, we're here." He explained

"But a vanilla Caramel sundae without whipcream and 2 cherries sounds so good right now..." I teased

"You're right, it does sounds good, for tomorrow."

"Ugh you're such a dad!" I complained

Doug raised an eyebrow. "I'm guessing that's not the good type of dad."

"Doug!" I said hitting his arm.

Didn't know he had that advanced of a mind. Maybe Chad and his ego rubbed off on him.

He smiled and put his arm around me. I sniffed my hair.

"Don't!" I demanded

"Blue Raven?" He asked

I rolled my eyes. "Of course... how did you know that?"

"Used it in a Chem Project once, I broke down the molecules to make a new shampoo," He explained

"Doug please do that for me!" I begged. "I need moisturizing, color, softness, strong sent, like a Swinging Coconut with a hint Golden Locks."

"That's going to take me forever!" He told me. "That's so much experimenting!"

I gave him my puppy dog face. "Pleaaaassssseeee."

"Anything for you princess," he decided.

I smiled and took another bite of the soup. I got sick of using a spoon and just drank it from the container.

"Hey!" Doug said, "How much is left?"

I looked at it. "Spoonful in a half, want it?"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever happened to sharing?"

"Dougy, that isn't a thing where I'm from."

"Yeah I know," he mumbled

"What does that mean?!" I asked

"5 feet," He stated

"What?" I asked

"That's the closest another girl that you don't know have been to me. Know why? Because you- Evelyn Heart Royall. (Or whatever it is) gets jealous and possessive."

"I don't!" I said. "Why does everyone think that?!"

"Because everyone sees it!" He revealed to me. "You probably do it subconsciously but you're always in the middle of me and another girl. Can't forget you always stare. Staring is your thing. Ooh and-"

"Well that stops right now!" I declared "Go make out with another girl! See if I care!"

"You really want me to do that?"

"See if I ca... actually please don't." I asked.

"Wasn't planning on it." Doug told me.

"How about the first project of the year, in every class, we don't temp the teachers to let us be together! And in the classes we don't have together, make sure you are with a female, and Chad does not count."

"Okay," He shrugged.

"You're not going to object!" I complained.

"Well you want to make yourself a better person and I support that."

"Oh my god Evie!" Someone shouted

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