Chapter 38

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Evie helped Ben lay out the blanket while I was arguing with Chad.

"Chad!" I clapped. "We can't be using all of the sticks for s'mores! We need those to keep the fire going!"

"There's trees!" He pointed out

"We can't be wasting resources!"

"Can you two just shut up!" Audrey demanded.

"Once he realizes how life works then yes!"

"Shut up and sit down!" Evie shouted

I sat down. "Okay."

Audrey mouth dropped opened and put her hands on hips. "You'll listen to her and not me! Listen hear dwarf, I'm future Queen of Cinderellaberg!"

"You're marrying Chad?" Jane asked

"Woah!" Carlos yelled.

"Well Ben and Mal are basically married!" She whined. "But you have to listen to me!"

"But I could be King of Bald Mountain."

"You can?" Chad asked.

"If they restore its status yeah. Or Evie could restore her royal status and I'm positive that there is other land to be claimed." I explained

"Restore? She never had any royal status?" Audrey looked at her nails.

"But if Snow White had a royal status before she married Prince Ferdinand, why can't Evie? Ben am I wrong?" I looked over at him.

"What does Snow White have to do with this?" Audrey snapped

"They share a mother don't they?" I smirked, knowing I won.

I saw Evie's eyes widened, she must've not realized that before. "Ben?"

Ben shrugged. "He is right. Evie if you want-"

"That's not fair! How do we know her mother is even a real queen?!" Audrey stomped her foot.

"Stop fussing around," I tried to calm her. "The same way you're royal, blood."

Ben tried to continue. "As I was saying-"

"Her mom probably slept with a thousand guys!" Audrey yelled

"Why does that matter?!" I argued. "Sorry to break it to you but I don't think men just left your mother alone when she was laying there! The real story states that many princes tried to wake her up!"

"You're going to shut your little dorky mouth before I teach you what higher powers can do to pheasants like you!"

I shook my head. I looked at Evie and shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She whispered

"Audrey, have you ever looked through Chad's phone?" Jay stepped in

"No why?"

"You stop there you little thief!" Chad yelled at him

Jay pouted. "Is that because you still haven't deleted your messages?"

"You're even lower than the dwarf!" Chad pointed out

I laughed to myself.

"So?" Jay asked. "I ain't getting into no trouble, unlike you." Chad stood up and so did Jay, who placed a hand on his shoulder. Chad tried to look all tough but I think everyone saw through him. "But stealing did teach me one good thing," Jay held up Chad's phone. "How to expose cheating jerks."

Jay walked over to Audrey leaving Chad speechless. Jay bowed and gave the phone to Audrey.

She opened it a scrolled through it. Her mouth slowly dropped as she looked on the urge of tears. "Crazy Blonde Girl, Brown Hair Blue Eyes, Hot Red Head- Chad what is this?!"

"They mean nothing babe," He pleaded.

"Nothing! I could understand if you talked to these- these innocent girls before you dated me but you just texted Blondie 2 days ago!" She showed him.

Ben stepped in. "Maybe you should have this talk somewhere else."

Audrey turned away. "There's nothing to talk about, we're over Chad."

Lonnie and Jane stood up to go and comfort her. We all sat there awkwardly. I looked over at Evie and she hasn't moved since I told her she was Snow's sister.

"I'm sorry guys, I started this." I sighed

"No you didn't," Mal said. "That prissy pink princess did."

"But I continued to argue." I pointed out.

"Doug you don't have to listen to that Royalty Scale anymore, my next proclamation is to make sidekicks and Princes, Princess, Kings, and Queens equal." Ben declared.

I just stared at him. "Really?"

He nodded. "Right after I get my life straight I will make it happen!" He stood up and signaled Mal to go inside.

"Good job Doug," Jay patted me on the back. "Sidekick movement Volume 2"

I chuckled. "Thanks for having my back, honestly thought I dug myself a bigger hole than I was planning on getting into."

"I was thinking that you were going to get suspended or something." Carlos stated

"I have the highest GPA and have set many records for this school, there ain't no way they're suspending me. I was thinking more of status change."

"Well you did get a status change," Jay joked.

"I guess I did."

"Jay and I are going to run to the store to get stuff for S'mores. They sound really good." Carlos told us

"They are." I assured them. "We'll stay around to watch the fire."

"Okay bye Devie." Jay and Carlos waved

"Bye," I said. I looked over at Evie and put my arm around her. "You okay?"

"How are you related to Snow?"

"She's my Godmother."

She nodded. "I'm dating my sister's Godchild, is this illegal?"

I shook my head, "A mom can date her son as long as he's 18. They'll get judged a bit but there's nothing wrong with it."

She just scratched her head. "Do your parents know?"

"They might've not realized yet." I pulled her closer to me.

"They're gonna hate me even more than I thought." She complained

I rubbed her arm. "No they're not. They'll be shocked yes, but if they can accept that you came from Dragon Hall, they'll expect that you have a family."

She pressed her head into my chest. "I don't want a royal status. I don't want be like them and take advantage of it."

"You wouldn't, but I am certainly rubbing mine in their faces once it's official." I told her.

"Just another thing to feed your ego." Evie sighed

We sat there for a bit staring into the fire. "What's a shmore?"

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