xi. private message

488 20 0

[private message]

eunha kwon:
yo yo yo
i'm bored and want to talk to someone lol

jung jaewon:
oh, lol
i'm willing to talk

eunha kwon:
before we should play 20 questions so we know more about each other before we talk

jung jaewon:
okay, do you want to ask first?

eunha kwon:
um sure
what is your age ?

jung jaewon:
what's yours

eunha kwon:

jung jaewon:
when is your birthday

eunha kwon:
december 5, 1997
when is yours

jung jaewon:
march 29, 1994

eunha kwon:
do you like dogs?

jung jaewon:
yes i love them
what's your favorite food

eunha kwon:
ummmm, probably
kimchi fried rice
it's v good
why is your highlight better than mine?

jung jaewon:
because i shine brighter;)

eunha kwon:
lmao, no honey

eunha kwon:lmao, no honey

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i shine way more

jung jaewon:
okay, only a lil' tho
i could probs shine more

eunha kwon:
idk about that. i guess we shall have to have a shine battle one day

jung jaewon:
i suppose so

eunha kwon:
however that day is not today
cause i have to go and meet my friend somewhere sadly

eunha kwon:
i enjoyed talking to you lets talk again soon

jung jaewon:
i agree
talk to you later✌️

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