xxi. daily life

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Setting the towel on the table, I looked around my apartment. Not only we're Baek and Mimi coming over, but so was Jaewon. If it was just the two of them I probably wouldn't have cleaned because they are the reason my house is always a mess.

Finishing all the cleaning I was willing to do, I hopped in the shower quickly to clean all the sweat and filth off of me.

Quickly getting dressed and putting a bit of makeup on. Leaving my room, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, sitting down.

Hearing a knock at the door, I knew it Mimi. Getting up I walked to the door, opening it.

"Hey girl." Mimi greeted, coming directly in.

"Hellooo!" I dragged out happily.

We both walked into the living room sitting on the couch, as we usually do.

We then decided go and make ramen because the other two wouldn't be coming for another like 4-5 hours.

"So, me and Baek get to meet the ever so famous Jaewon today," she said eyeing me, "and I'm super excited cause he's hot, but he's yours sooo I'll leave him to you."

"What's that suppose to mean? We are literally friends." I argued.

"Mmhm, friends." She sarcastically said shoving her face with ramen.

Shaking my head I took another bite, looking over at her with annoyed eyes.

"One day when you get married, I'll be telling you 'I told you so'." She muttered. Chuckling at the statement I grabbed the remote and turned on a show.

Mimi and I had ultimately both ended up falling asleep somehow. With a joint me and her both awoke from the doorbell ringing.

Unsure of which one of the boys it would be we opened it to be met with both of them chatting. Seems they have already met, they must of arrived at the same time.

"Come in guys." Mimi said

Both walking in we all walked into the kitchen.

"Well it seems Baek has already met him, but Mimi Jaewon, Jaewon Mimi." I said motioning to both of them.

"Nice to meet you I've heard a lot about you." Mimi smirked. Taking a deep breath I shook my head.

"We should order pizza." Baek said whilst wiggling his eyebrows. All of us shaking our head in agreement, we ordered two pizzas.

Sitting on the couches, Mimi and Baek on one, and Jaewon and I on the other. It was kinda awkward.

Mimi and Baek were whispering to each other with mischievous looks on there faces.

"Yah! No whispering in my house!" I scolded them, even though I was the youngest in the room.

"Oops.." Baek said. Everyone then went quiet as a movie started. The only time we got up or anything was to go retrieve the pizza.

"Let's play a game." Mimi said out of no where. Unlocking her eyes from the tv.

"What game?" I asked suspiciously

"Truth or dare?" She said looking around, everyone nodding their heads.

"Jaewon can go first since he's the guest." Baek said. Jaewon shook his head and looked around to all of us, choosing who to ask.

"Um, Baek, truth or dare?" Jaewon asked.
"Dare." He answered confidently.

"Um, call your mom and tell her your pregnant." He said looking at Baek, eyes widening as Jaewon said that.

"Bu-but- im a boy." He stuttered.

"Exactly." All of us said in unison. One phone call later and one confused mom later all of us were on the floor crying laughing. Baek with an embarrassed look on his face after his mom had explained to him that 'boys couldn't get pregnant'.

Soon enough it was my turn deciding to play it safe for the fact that Mimi was the one asking it, I had picked truth.

"What a loser!" Mimi joked.

"I would've happily chosen dare if it wasn't you deciding." I said taking a drink of water.

"Okay, if you had to make out with any of us in the room who would it be." She asked

"Ummmm..." I started unsure of who to say, if I said Baek it might be awkward or if I said Jaewon. If I said Mimi she would know i was just using that as the least awkward option.

"Not including myself." She added smirking.

"Ahhhh, um probably Jaewon." I said awkwardly. "It'd be way to awkward with Baek." I added quickly after, turning my head to see Jaewon's face slightly red. Ah, I made it decently awkward.

Soon we ended the game after going through many more awkward and strange questions and dares.

We all sat back down on the couch, turning on a random movie. Yawns were coming from all of us every once and awhile.

Moving closer to Jaewon, I shut my eyes and put my head on his shoulder, I went to move it off until I felt his arm relax again. Deciding to leave it there i shut my eyes again. Slowly slipping into La-La land.



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