xxxii. daily life

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Waking up that morning had been nice. The sound of island birds outside the window and the nice stream of sunlight that had come through the tiny crack in the curtains. Turning to my side, I looked forward to see Jaewon laying with his eyes peacefully closed. His head was turned slightly to the right, making the sun avoid his face. Smiling I finally stood up and got out of bed.

Making my way over to wear my suitcase laid, opened and scattered about the floor. I look for an outfit to wear. Looking about I noticed a white t-shirt with a few holes and a pair of jean shorts. Grabbing my clothes and my toiletries I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The warm water ran on my back making me wish I was in a warm bed again. At the end of it I didn't want to get out of it. However, I knew I would so I did. Getting dressed quickly I walked out of the bathroom and into the open hotel room. Jaewon sat with his back facing the door.

"Hey, I didn't know you were awake." I said causing him to jump slightly.

"You scared me!" He exclaimed, "Oh, and I woke up only a few minutes ago." He finished turning completely to face me.

"I thought you heard me come in sorry." I said with a quick smile. Crouching down I grabbed my makeup back from the suitcase. Sitting in front of the closet mirror, I began doing it.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked, whilst applying my mascara.

"I was thinking we could just like walk around? Explore a little maybe, I'm not quite sure" Jae responded looking up from his phone.

"Okay, we can go try that food place we saw coming in yesterday?" I said with it more coming out like a question. Jaewon looked over and smiled at the idea.

"Definitely agree!" He responded happily back.

He decided he'd take a shower leaving me there to finish my makeup alone in silence. Finally doing the finishing touches. Looking at my hair that was once hot pink, but now a faded brownish- pinkish color, I sighed taking the brush of the counter. Quickly finishing it, Jaewon finally had walked out of the bathroom.

Fully clothed and ready for the day him and I left the hotel room. Walking down the lobby and to the front door we walked out into the warm, yet comfortable weather. As we walked down the street to an unknown destination we stayed quiet. It was comfortable we were more or less taking in the calm and nice streets of Jeju.

As we were walking, we drifted further and further as the crowds kept building. Trying to make my way to the other side of the sidewalk to get to Jae, I quickly grabbed his hand. Him grabbing onto to we walked quickly out of the crowds and to a more secluded location.

"You know that park thing we saw while we driving in?" I asked looking over at Jaewon, earning a nod from him. "Well we should go there it looked really nice." I said while smiling.

Ultimatley we had decided to get a taxi do to the long walk it would've been to get from where were to there. If we could even find it. When we had finally got there, we went to where the bench was. Sitting down, I turned my body to face Jaewon who was sitting straight forward. He then tilted his my way and smiled. His smile was adorable, slightly gummy causing me to smile at him as well.

"It's really nice here." I breathed out.

"I agree completely" He added shutting his eyes.

Making small talk me and him sat there for a few hours.


hello! i wrote this on my computer and it was super weird. shorter than usual but i didnt want to keep you all waiting

follow me on insta i post about kpop and khh its @torusanti just like it is here so give it a follow if youre interested as well as my twitter which is at the same user!!

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