No Homo!

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A/N: Before I start this, the video above is  what I based this one-shot on :P.
"Welcome to my humble abode Jakey-D!" Rich exclaimed as he opened the door to his house, letting his taller friend in.
"Sup Rich" Jake said after doing a fist bump with Rich.  "Nothing much other than hanging out with my best bro!" Jake laughed. After a few hours of banter and watching movies Rich looked up at Jake. "Hey dude?" Jake looked at him while turning off his phone. "Yeah bro?" Rich hesitated for a second. "Iv'e got something I need to get off my chest."
"Okay dude"
"Hey dude, we've been best friends for a really long time now"
Jake looked at Rich questioningly but replied with a confused "Yeah dude" Rich looked down at his hands "And there's something I need you to know"
"Remember that time we went surfing and i almost drowned and you dragged me to the beach and performed cpr? Well, no homo but that's the day i fell in love with you." Rich finally looked up and looked terrified  "No homo,but that's that day i knew you were mine. Looking into your eyes made me realize that, no homo but your lips touching mine changed my life" Jake looked surprised. Rich started saying something but Jake cut him off. "Bro are you saying what I think you're saying?" Rich continued to look terrified and whispered "Uhh yeah, I think so" Jake smiled "Well then" Jake hesitated and Rich let out a quiet "Yeah dude?" Jake then continued. "Yeah dude, I totally get what you're saying." Rich then looked shocked himself "Ya do?"
"And Iv'e been waiting to tell you for so long." Rich smiled with Jake "You feel the same way too.." Jake nodded. "Remember that time in Disney World when I ate that giant turkey leg?"
"YES" Rich said while laughing "And I started choking until you came along."
"Yeah I came" Rich said while winking. Jake then slapped his shoulder (lightly of course) "No homo, but thats the day I fell in love with you."
"We're soo not gay"
Jake laughed "No homo that's the day I knew we were right. You're body pressed into mine somehow didn't cross the line." By now both males faces were really red "Why would it have?"
"No homo but that day changed my life. The outside world might see us as gay but bro we swear we're not we're just two bros chilling out!" Rich nodded while Jake added "And i think you're really...." Jake looked into Rich's eyes and the two boys both said something at the same time. "Hot" "Awesome!"
Rich looked away. Jake placed his hand on Rich's knee.  "What did you say?" After what felt like eternity Rich finally looked at Jake "Hot" he whispered. "Snuggling with you under the covers, no homo!"
"Spooning you just like we're lovers! No homo."
Jake leaned in "Our lips touching for a minute or two but no homo!" Rich leaned in too as he added "It's okay with me if it is with you!" Before closing the gap Jake exclaimed "IT TOTALLY IS!" Then their lips met each other and for a brief, wonderful moment none of the rest of the world mattered. After they kissed they both whispered "No homo" after sitting there for a few minutes holding each other's hands Jake finally spoke up. "Let's find an apartment together, but like no homo" Rich smiled "Let's save money by sharing a bed." Then the two started speaking in unison "Looking into your eyes made me realize that I love you more than you could ever know." The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment. "My bro-" Jake started. Rich then kissed Jake for the second time that day and after yelled "NO HOMO" Jake then laughed and started playing with Rich's hair.
SORRY IF THIS DOESN'T SOUND LIKE ACTUAL TALKING, I BASICALLY COPIED THE SONG LYRICS (except I didn't use copy and paste like a normal human so now my hands hurt from typing that all without stoping)

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