Is adoption smart for two man-children? (Part one)

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Heads up for this chapter, all my life i've called a car seat a booster seat, and I found out two years ago that it's actually called a car seat.. also I forgot the word car seat while writing this so that's why it's being referred to as a booster seat
Rich could not sit still all day, him and Jake had been waiting for this moment for over a year now and it's finally the big day! They were adopting a little girl! "Rich? You ready to head out?" Jake asked his other half. Rich, too excited to form words just ran to the car "Man, you sure look like a dog that's just been told that he's going on a walk right now" Jake said while laughing. Rich just pouted as he got into the passenger seat. Once he was seated, he looked back at the booster seat that they had for her Ahhhh I can't wait to raise a child aghhhh Rich thought excitedly. About a half hour later, they arrived. After going in and filling out all of the required forms they were on their way to meeting the child that they're adopting. Rich and Jake were holding hands and they stopped outside the door for a moment. "Ready Jakey-D?" Rich whispered "I've been ready for this my entire life" he replied, also whispering. Once they walked in Rich immediately fell in love with this girl. She was three and a half years old, with brown pig tails and equally brown eyes that shined once she saw them. She actually looked like a combination of both of them, people might question if she really was adopted. "Hey sweetie, your name is Kailey right?" He asked as he crouched down to her level. She nodded and then quietly asked "Are you two my daddy's now?" Rich laughed and replied with "Yes, yes we are. Are you ready to go home with us, and see your new home?" She grabbed Rich's hand, and his heart softened. Once she was buckled into the booster seat Rich sat up front with Jake. "Hey Kailey, so what's your favourite colour?" Jake asked her once he started driving. "Purple!" She exclaimed. Rich and Jake looked at each other with amusement; they had painted her room purple. "Well then you should be excited to see your new room!" Rich told her. Once they got to the house, Jake and Kailey raced inside (spoiler; he let her win) Once they put all of her things in the living room, Jake picked up Kailey and all three of them went into her room. Kailey screamed in excitement as Jake set her down. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She yelled while jumping. Rich laughed "Anytime sweetheart" Three years passed and she was now six years old, and it was her first day at school. After taking pictures and walking her to her class room Rich and Jake headed home. Halfway through the day they got a call from the school. Kailey was in the principals office. "Hello?" Jake asked as he picked up the phone "Who is it?" Rich mouthed. Jake waved him off as he nodded and went "Okay we'll be there in 10" after hanging up he filled in Rich on what happened. They got in the car and headed over. Rich was sick with worry about if Kailey was okay because apparently there was a fight. Once they got there Rich practically ran to the office where they were directed to the principal. When they walked in, they saw Kailey sitting down with a hint of a grin on her face. Rich immediately asked "Kail, are you okay?" She nodded. "Can you tell us what happened?" Jake asked. "Well three girls were picking on me 'cause I told them I had two daddy's and that I was adopted. I told them, that at least my parents choose me and their parents are stuck with them" Jake and Rich had to fight so hard not to kneel over laughing that instant. Jake asked the principal (as Rich was too busy concentrating on not laughing) "Is she free to go back to class now?" The principal replied. "No, unfortunately she has to go home with you. Don't worry though, the other girls were sent home too" Jake frowned and then thanked him. They all headed back to the car. "Now Kailey, while what you said was awesome, we can't have you insulting everyone. From now on if you wanna say something mean think 'Will I get in trouble' and if you can think of even one situation where you will get in trouble; don't say it.. are we clear?" Jake asked her she nodded and started to look out the window. "Oh man wait 'till I tell Michael about this!" Rich exclaimed while laughing.

Hey y'all! I'm back with another one shot, there should be 3-5 parts to this one as i'm really excited about where it's going! ^-^

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