Onward and Upward

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(She wen't on the deck as there were tables, chairs, and handrails their, to see Peter leaning on the rail looking out into the distance)

Amy: (stopped) Guess I got the drop on YOU, this time! (had on black leggings and a gray shirt. Still wearing her sleeve crop.)

Peter: (wearing his casual clothes, turned around) What?!- No, I was up here enjoying the view. (walking closer to her)

Amy: Sure, you were.(said sarcastically while looking at him as she sat down. At a table in a chair)

Peter: (sat down at the same table) I'm-telling you, I was.(said convincingly with a smile)

Amy: (had a "Mhmm" face) You came here because I wanted you to come up here.(crossed her fingers looking at him with a smirk)

Peter: And what's so wrong with that? (looked at her with slight intent then back to normal)

Amy: (took out her ponytail and had a look of "really bruh" and was silent for a second, then leaned back in her chair) You are a manifestation of my brain?! (stretching her hands out as she stopped leaning)

Peter:  I'm a very handsome manifestation,if I do say so myself. (scratching his head while putting his head down while glancing up at her)

(They both laughed then it died down)

Peter: (looked at the sky then returned back to her) Your about to leave soon. (face got serious)

(The clouds were turning blue-ish with a bit of lightning)

Amy: Well if that's the case, see you soon.(smiles, said with confidence)

(felt herself go through the rainbow portal again then all white, and woke slowly taking the VR off)

Amy: (groans) Ok..this is new.(wiping her eyes some)

(Her friends came out)

Sophie:(groans some) That was awesome!

Joan:(groans some) You got that right!

Ashely: Hour's up guys. Professors wanted me to tell you that you may feel groggy after the first time.(said informatively) 

Amy: (gets up) Gotcha.(had one hand on her hip was smirking some)

Joan: So.. what did you do on the rooftop?(smiles while getting up)

Sophie: More specifically, with whom?(does the same as Joan)

Amy: Nothing.(walked a bit closer, standing up regularly) Just hanging out with a friend.(still smiling but was trying to hide it)

Ashely: (looking at Amy) Your smile tells us otherwise.(had a look of "Mhmm")

(The professors came in)

Pr H: Good to see you all are comfortable with the software. (said gladly)

Pr R: Do you guys feel nauseous or lightheaded?(said with concern)

Amy, Sophie, Ashely, Joan: No. (They all looked at each other for a moment then stopped)

Pr H: Good, just check if there are any issues in the software and fill out these forms, then you should be good to go. (held the forms out)

Amy:(took them) Alright, thanks.(had a small smile)

(They filled them out and got in the car to go home)

Ready Player OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora