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[Amy dropped her friends off at their homes, then headed home herself. Her house size is medium and when you first walk in their are stairs to your right going up to her bedroom. The shade of paint inside and out is tan and burgundy. Going through the foyer you see her coach to the left with her small TV at eye level. There is a small down step to the coach. To the right is her kitchen, with a counter in front of it with three chairs.]

[Amy walked into her house and closed the door]

Amy: Home sweet home.(yawned some while turning on the light)

[Amy went to the couch and laid out to watch some TV, but fell right to sleep once she hit the pillow. While she was asleep she started receiving flashes of Peter and her talking, then flashes of her parents in VR headsets with Pr. Hampton and Richards, they were speaking in echoes. Before she could make it out she was startled awake, by her phone ringing.]

Amy: (picked up the phone) Hello? (said drowsily while she sat up)

On the phone: Hey girl, you okay?(said Sophie)

Amy: Why do you say tha-(looked out the window to see that is was morning) What time is it?!

Sophie: Time to get up! It starts at 8:00, you didn't remember?!

Amy: Darn it! I overslept!!(frantically getting ready while hanging up)

[Amy grabs her purse with her keys and walks out the door with a yellow tank top, purple pants, sleeve crop and her black tennis shoes. Drives to the center and hurries through the door then stops to find her friends and professors at the front with her.]

Amy: Sorry I'm late!(said with emphasis while looking at everyone)

Pr. H: It's fine, you're actually just in time. This time we want you guys to make separate programs, by thinking of what you all separately want to be doing.

[Joan and Sophie drew a little smirk on their faces.]

Ashely: Well, I didn't get to experience the one single program.(said with concern)

Pr. R: Don't worry, you won't need past experience to complete this task. Come, on everyone!

[Everyone went except for Amy]

Amy: Professor Hampton!(reached out her hand some then returned it to her side)

Pr. H: Yes, Amy? (said with wonder about it)

Amy: (sighed some) Did you know my parents? (trying not to show the feelings she felt)

Pr. H: We were colleagues your parents and I, including Professor Richards.(part of a smirk)

Amy: Did you know why they lef- (trailed off some and glanced down)

Pr. H: I honestly don't know.(face got serious and put his hands on her shoulders) But we can find out together. (smiled)

Amy: (managed a smirk) Alright, let's do this.

[They both walked into the room with VR's, her friends, and Pr. Richards]

Amy: You guys waited for me?(stopped in front of her chair)

Ashely: We can't do it without you-per say since the program needs 4 people.

Joan: So much for "the gift of a friend". (said sarcastically)

Sophie and Amy: (chuckled)

Pr. R: You guys ready?

Everyone: Yeah! (except for the professors)

[Everyone sat in their same spots and put on the VR headsets.]

Pr. H: Everyone concentrate. (said informatively/firmly)

[Everyone fell asleep and felt themselves go through a yellow/blue portal, and ended up in their simulation]

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