Strange Relationships

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[Amy saw all white and arrived at Avengers Tower roof, wearing the Spider-Gwen suit. The Avengers were behind her.]

Amy: (turned around while taking her mask off) Hey guys! (waving a little)

Thor: She has returned! (was wearing a black shirt, burgundy jacket and burgundy pants.)

Hawkeye: Cough it up, Mr. Stank.(making a hand gesture to Tony. Was wearing a purple shirt with blue pants)

Tony:(hands him some money) Ok, Arrow Guy. (said sarcastically while smiling. Was wearing a tux)

Natasha: That's why I don't do bets. (looking at everyone) I knew she was coming back.(wearing a white shirt, and black skirt)

Amy:(walked closer to them then stopped) Not to interrupt this wonderful conversation-but have you guys seen Peter?(spreading her hands out some)

[All the avengers had a "oh looky here" look. Joan and Sophie saw all white then arrived at a warehouse, wearing tank tops and pants like in real life. They walked in some then Superman, Batman, and Aquaman came in behind them.]

Joan: (jumping up and down) This is our lucky day! (looking at Sophie)

Sophie: Absolutely!!!(doing the same)

Superman ,Batman, and Aquaman:(looking at each other)

Superman: They with you?(looking at BM with a confused)

Batman: I thought they were with you.(looking at SM)

Aquaman: Step Aside Guys, I got this. (pushing through SM and BM with a smile)

[Ashely saw all white then arrived in Star City at "The Arrow Cave" and saw Felicity in her chair on the computers.]

Ashely: OMG! Felicity Smoak!! (shaking giddily)

Felicity: (stood up a bit startled but then turned and smiled) My reputation precedes me..- Who are you exactly?!( had a tiny smirk while putting her hand out to shake)

Ashely: Ashely!-I'm your biggest fan!! (shook it) Hacking through the dark web- and calibrating micro codes!!

[Cisco walked in]

Cisco: Hey Felicity! have you seen my- Well who is this lovely lady?! (walked to where they were)

Ashely: Ashely!! Cisco Ramone and Felicity in the same room- power hackers!!

Cisco and Felicity: (had looks of modesty while complimenting themselves)

[back to Amy.]

Banner:(coming up behind the avengers wearing a gray and black suit) Looks like somebody's got a crush.(had a smile)

Amy:(walks through them into the inner living room then turns around) Guys!, We've been over this! (spreading her hands out some then dropping them)

[All the avengers spread out around her]

Iron Man: Doesn't matter if were manifestations-(walking around some)

Hawkeye: We are your manifestations. (smiling)

Thor: Denying it just makes it worse.(nodded his head some while smiling)

Amy: (leaning on the back of the coach) How are you guys aware that you are? (concerned face)

[Peter and Captain America come up behind her]

Peter: Because you want us to be. (wearing his suit holding the mask)

Steve: But you also don't want us to care either.(wearing a blue shirt and brown pants)

Amy: (chuckles) It's like you guys are reading my mind.(grew a smile)

Peter: Well... it's because it is. (had a concerned face)

Amy: What? (turned around to Peter)

Peter: You are making this simulation/reality possible, not the machine. (looking at her)

Banner: (walking to where Peter is) The machine is giving you access to do this, on a larger scale your thoughts can become reality.

Amy: (was speechless and had a pondering face)

Peter: Let me prove it to you. (walked closer to her while holding out his hand)

Amy: Ok.(sighed while taking his hand)

[Peter pulled her back outside next to the A, then stopped. All the Avengers except for Peter disappeared in a blue mist]

Peter: Focus on where your friends might be. (still holding her hands)

Amy: Ok...(she started thinking)

[They teleported where Joan and Sophie were in the background. Sophie and Joan were socializing with SM,BM and AM]

Amy: Whoa.(looked around, then looked at Peter) Can they see us?

Peter: No, we can only peek in on what their doing--from your power level.

Amy: So I can...(trailed off with some hesitation) see my parents.

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