Working Together

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[It was 12:00 now and the girls were spread out around the complex. Sophie and Joan was talking to skater dudes, Ashely to a tech-savy dude, and Amy was still training with Nathan. The sun was up so the lights were turned off in the facility. But on the inside there was light enough to walk around. Amy and Nathan were sitting in criss-cross position facing each other.]

Amy: (clinched her fist to charge it up) I've done this before.(looking over at him)

Nathan: But have you held it in more than just your fist? (closed his eyes and straitened)

[Nathan's body lit up with energy all over, you could see it through his shirt. It shifted around switching sides then faded as he opened his eyes.]

Amy: Now your just showing off. (unclenched her hand letting the energy go) (tone sarcastic)

Nathan: The only way to make it more comfortable to do, is to do it. (crossed his arms)

Amy: (sighs then closes her eyes)

[Amy's fists glowed first then her arms and chest some.]

Nathan: Now, hold it.

Amy: (struggling some but held it for a long few seconds before letting go in a sigh of relief.)

Nathan: That was..longer than last time? (trying to make her feel better with a tiny smile)

Amy: (groans in frustration while crossing her arms) Why can't I get this, it's been three hours!

Nathan: (said with some concern) Hey, it took me a longer time to get this to-

[Men in black clothing broke through the doors and windows, guys and girls were fighting back using their powers. Some had fire, scream attacks and so on. Amy huddled up with her friends including Nathan.]

Nathan: They've found us! (had a worried face)

Amy: But they haven't captured us yet! Everybody in a circle! (yelling out)

[Everyone including the other super teens circled together facing outward but still a bit of space between them. As soon as they did so 50 men surrounded them. And walked in was Pr. Hampton and Richards.]

Pr. H: Well isn't that nice, they've made a bond together. (wearing a brown shirt and gray pants with black shoes)

Pr. R: Let's break it. (signaled the men) (wearing a red dress and black shoes)

[Portions of men started attacking different sides. Amy fought down three men and five more was about to counter but the girl next to her screamed them down. Amy and the girl shared a nod. Ashely took down two men but was about to be dragged away by three others but the guy she met earlier burned them with a fire blast. He helped Ashely up and kept going. Sophie and Joan were helping take out ones on the side as the skater guys used the mystic arts to protect or defend themselves. Like weapons or shields. They kept doing this for a while,in the midst of it heroes would switch places and go from there. All the men were defeated, all that was left was the professors.]

Amy: That all you got? (a tiny smile but had some caution)

Pr. H: (face had a smile) Not necessarily. (raised his hand)

[Which knocked back everyone as the professors started to run away.]

Amy: Oh no you don't! (charged her fist and started running after them)

Nathan: Amy Wait! (running after her)

[Something hit the building with so much force that it started coming down, Nathan pulled Amy back from the falling debris.]

Nathan: We have to go! (holding on to her arm)

Amy: (trying to pull away) But we could end this! If not they'll just keep coming after us!

[The ceiling was cracking, dust falling]

Nathan: Let them try! (looked at her with concern) A battle for another day!- But right now I need your help!

Amy: Ok. (nodded her head)

[As parts of the ceiling started coming down everyone moved into a corner, Amy and Nathan came to where everyone else was.]

Nathan: Grab my hand! (looking at Amy)

Amy: (grabbed it and felt a surge of energy as hers and his hand glowed) Now what?!

Nathan: We have to make a force field!

[The building was falling faster since the supports were gone.]

Amy: I don't know how! (hiding the panic in her voice but her face clearly showed it)

Nathan: Trust me, and most of all trust yourself! Now, block everything out and just concentrate! (raised his arm up and closed his eyes)

Amy: (did the same)

[Everything moved in slow motion and went silent, energy flowed through Nathan and Amy through their hands and spread outwards and over everyone. The rest of the building fell and the professors left in their cars including the men.]

                                                                                Author's Note

Yep my first cliffhanger, it feels bad but at the same time it feels good. The only thing that took me a while this time was the title. Nothing like freshly updating each day, glad to know I get new reads every day due to updating. Anyways, enjoy and have a good night. :)

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