New Conflict

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Peter: Yes... you would need to go through your memories.

Amy: How do I do that?

[The sky started turning blue-ish]

Amy: Wait- I still have so many questions!

Peter: Just focus on your memories!

[Everyone went through the blue and yellow portal, then woke up in their chairs. Taking off their headsets]

Joan: Absolutely Amazing!! (standing up)

Sophie: Still as Awesome as Ever!! (standing up)

Ashely: Super Cool!! (standing up)

Amy: (had a lot of mixed  feelings while she sat up in her chair. Including the feeling of grogginess. She was quiet)

(The professors were by the computer stations  the machine supposedly used to make the simulations. Pr. Hampton moved by Amy's chair)

Pr. H: Are you alright? (had a concerned/wondering face, his hand was on the chair.)

Amy:(got up and scooted past Pr. H stumbling a little) I-I'm just sick I just need rest. (said with some confusion/sadness)

Ashely: (caught her arm before she went out the door) Do you need a drive to the doctor?

(All of her friends had worried faces, the professors had serious faces)

Amy:(turned to Ashely) I'm ok, really. (managed a small smile)

Joan: (saw threw her act) Are you really?(crossed her arms)

Amy: Yeah, it's nothing serious. Just tired.(managed a small smile)

(Ashely let go and Amy walked out of the center, then went home since the others had cars. (On the first day they needed a ride)) (Amy was in her house and pulled out a box, pulled off the lid to show her parents stuff. It was 10:00 in the morning but was cloudy)

Amy: (stood there looking at it, sighing. As she started thinking back)

[What she saw when turned around to her coach, was like a window-vision: We have to go! But why? It's to keep you safe honey, trust us! *a blue portal opened* We'll be back when you're ready! I don't understand! *the blue portal closed and her parents were gone* It faded away]

Amy: (her eyes become watery as she blinked away a tear. As she thought to herself)

No.. be strong. You got this.

Amy: (walked in front, then sat in the middle of her coach then put her hands on her lap.) Just focus on your memories...(closed her eyes)

(She arrived in a lab room and her parents were there coming from a blue portal.)

Woman: Jake! We must  organize a plan to tell Amy about this!(had brown hair wearing a black dress with a lab coat over it.white)

Jake: No need Rachel! By the time she's old enough she'll learn. (sees Amy baby self and picks her up. was wearing blue shirt, tan pants and a lab coat. black)

Rachel: I think she disagrees.(had a smile and shifted her hands together with blue energy to make a toy bunny. Then handed it to baby Amy, who laughed a little)

Amy in the vision:[smiled some then drifted her arm to the left some which skipped a couple years to her tweens.]

(Jake was in a chair by tween Amy's bed. Tween Amy was sleeping and Jake opened a window pocket to see her dream above her head. It was decent but he made it better by holding her head to change it. Tween Amy smiled in her sleep.)

Amy in the vision: (face turned serious since she was suddenly yanked out of the vision and into her counter, she rose up) What the-? (putting her fists up, feeling dizzy)

[A guy in all black  clothing wearing a mask turned to her]

Guy: Don't make this harder than it has to be.(could only see his eyes, they were brown)

Amy: (leaned on the counter some) What'd you do.. to me? (straitened up)

Guy: Simple. Drugged you. Can't use none of that mind mojo now.

[The Guy walked closer to her]

Amy: Back off, dushbag! (grabbed a chair)

(Amy swung it at him and it hit his back, but he countered and pinned her to the floor by her wrists)

Guy: Your stronger than most! (nodded his head some)

Amy: (struggling) I tend to get that a lot!

[Amy kicked him in the "no hit boy zone" and pushed him off while she stood. She stumbled at first but started to run toward the open front door, but two other men who were white with slightly different black clothing came through the door and grabbed her by both arms. She struggled still while the guy who came in first signaled the men to bring her closer]

Amy: (struggling to stay conscious but was still fighting) What do you want!(looking at him)

Guy:  The names Decarious and..Naptime. (punched her in the stomach. white)

Amy:(made a hurt noise before blacking out)

[One of the men carried her off and left out the back door with Decarious and the other guy. They got into a black truck and drove off]

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