Chapter Four - Goodbyes

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Chapter Four – Goodbyes

It was getting very late and I could see everyone’s eyes drooping.

"I better go to bed... Goodnight everyone," Joe said with a yawned and left the room.

"I'll take Cassie so she can sleep. Goodnight." Zack got up and took Cassie to the guest room.

It was just Jack, mom and I sitting there with the television on and this awkward silence. I glanced at Jack in hopes that he’d also be tired so that I could talk to her alone. I still haven’t asked her my favor.

Jack looked at me and saw the pleading in my eyes. "I should go to bed too…" he murmured and went upstairs to sleep.

We sat there for a minute of silence. I began to somewhat worry whether Jack was sleeping or digging through my personal belongings. Suddenly mom began to chat about the movie, which brought the subject of movies her and Joe have seen. I just had to ask now better than never.  

"Mom?" I said in almost a whisper.


"I have a favor to ask." I looked down and felt the lump in my throat began to grow at the thought of leaving Cassie.

A horrible thought crossed my mind when Jack’s words crossed my mind. Maybe I should stay with my daughter. It would be a better decision and I wouldn’t have to fight and I could catch up with my mother… I suddenly almost burst into laughter when I realized that his words almost made me forget that they would be fighting while I sipped coffee in front of the television.

"Another favor?" she said with a laugh; completely interrupting my thoughts.

"It's a big one."

She paused for a long moment as she studied me. I wasn’t looking her in the eyes because I was too afraid she’d say no. "What is it?" she finally asked.

"Could you take care of Cassie for a few days or so?"

She didn't say anything. I looked up. She looked confused and bothered by my question.

"If you can’t I understand…" Yes, I did understand, but I had nowhere else to take her. I’d have to stay at home and watch over her while my friends fought and possibly die on a whole other planet without me know. It’d be Jack’s ideal plan for me.

"No... It’s not that. I'll take her gladly, she's adorable. But... Why?"

"I have to do something... Um… I'll tell you when we get back. It’s a long story."

She nodded and I let out a relieved sigh and then changed the subject to what she was up to. It was mainly about step kids and the new house. Suddenly something leaped into my lap.

"Memo!" I gasped. "I haven't seen him around... I figured nature took his course…" I mumbled while stroking his beautiful fur.

"Nope. Memo is fine, but I think he missed you a lot." She smiled down at the old cat.

Memo (Pronounced Mee-mo) is over fifteen human years old. He was the first pet I've ever had and I was only four when we got him.

"I forgot something!" she muttered, heading to a door by the stairs.

"What is it?"

"Your birthday present." She pulled out a silver gift wrapped box.

I grabbed it and opened the card on top. There was perfect hand writing scribbled on it and it read:

My Sweet Sammy, 

I don't know where you are. But I hoped to give this to you someday. I miss you incredibly.  

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