Chapter Five - A Hero

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Chapter Five – A Hero

We drove into the woods towards the ship, going nearly ninety miles per hour. Jack was getting impatient and it didn’t help that I was here. He lost and I won. When we got out, I grabbed my bags and got in the ship. Jack didn’t speak much and neither did Zack. I was the only one who made a few comments about my mom or about what we’re doing when we arrive on Renton. 

Jack was the pilot of the ship because he’s an expert at it. Zack was co-pilot and sat on the right side. I was sitting in the back with my eyes glued to the forest that surrounded us.

"That's strange…" Jack murmured.

"What?" I asked.

"I must have forgotten to lock the door."

We were in the air then and Jack announced that it would be a few hours till we get there. So I took a much needed nap.


"Sam, did you knock something over?" Zack asked.

His voice startled me for a minute and I sat up to look at him. I didn’t hear anything, but that doesn’t mean much because I can be a heavy sleeper at times. Zack was looking at me with a wrinkled forehead.

"No... why?" I asked groggy.

"Something fell back there."

I got out of my seat and headed to the back where there was stuff at; some boxes that had been moved in here when we were buying things for our new house and our stuff that we brought for today. I looked for a box that might have fallen, but I saw something move.

"Aw crap!" I shouted. I fell of my back and a man leaped out to pin me down. I used my legs to throw him over my head.

"Take control!" Jack shouted at Zack and leaped up to help me.

Jack threw punches at the man—which all connected and the man fell to the floor; unconscious. The man wore black, like me, and had a little hand gun on his belt. He was now a bloody pulp with Jack standing over him with blood on his knuckles. I didn’t get a chance to ask if Jack was okay because suddenly another box fell over.

Several men came pouring out like ants coming out of a dirt hill. I got on ones back and used my arms to knock him out. Of course I wasn’t near as precise and graceful as Jack, but I did the job. My body was already aching, though I ignored it and tried to charge at someone who was getting dangerously close to Zack.  

"Ten minutes till landing!" Zack shouted through the ciaos.

I glanced out the window and saw we were maybe a few hundred feet from ground. My heart seemed to be hammering in my chest as I was in full blown panic mode. There had to of been over ten men that just Jack and I were fighting. How many can just we take down?

The men came flooding out. Jack opened the door and shoved one out.  No way would that guy make it. No one could survive that fall. I didn’t have a chance to process that because I was more focused on the ones who were using weapons on us. Some had guns while others had knives. Honestly the guns frightened me much more.

The ship seemed to falter a bit and I glanced up to see what was wrong. Zack was battling control of the ship with one of the men. Before I could leap into action, Jack took the man out with his own gun. Any person would have cried, thrown up or at least made a choked gasp from seeing it, but I didn’t let it get to me. Not now when I was a few hundred feet in the air, fighting for not only my life, but ours.

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