Rise Against (Sequel to HNS) {16}

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Author's Note:

I decided to go ahead and post the next chapter!! please vote and comment :) 

Thank you all! enjoy!


It was strange. I woke up in a huge field. With tall bright green healthy grass. And bright a blue sky. 

The sun was weird though. Only half a sun? I stood up and looked around me.  

There were trees not too far from me. The air smelled amazing. Fresh and sweet.  

I blinked a few times. Where am I? Who am I? 

I walked around over to the trees. Then sat down and leaned against a big shady tree.

"My name is.." I tried to remember. Who am I?

I looked at my arms and legs. Oh my gosh. My white dress was soaked in blood. I checked. No wound. Weird. I stood back up and walked around. Searched for someone. Anyone.

"Hello? Anyone out here?" I called.

My voice, the blood, my hair. All seemed familiar. What happened? 

I felt like I was walking for hours. But the half sun was still up.  

Something moved beside a tree.

"Hello?" I called.

The man moved out from behind the tree. He seemed so familiar.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am" He nodded.


"Between heaven and earth"

"Excuse me? What does that mean?"

"Your dead"

"I'm dead?" I gasped. "I don't even know who I am!"

"Your name is Samantha Peters. Ring a bell?"

"How do you know me?"

He laughed.

"My name is General Edward. But my Penelope called me Eddie"

Eddie? That sounded familiar. And so did Penelope.

"Can you help me? I cant remember anything" I begged.

"Please sit"

I sat down next to him. He felt the grass under him. Then looked at the half sun and frown.  

I tried to focus on him. Try to remember.

"Let me see what I do know about you... Zackary or 'Zack. Was your protector. You had his baby. Jack was with you a lot too. Remember them?"

"Yes. Sort of. They sound very familiar"

"Go look in that creek" He pointed.

I followed without hesitation.

"What am I looking for sir?"

"Just look into the creek. And think about all I have told you"

I stared into the water. Remember... Okay. So my name is Samantha Peters. I had a.. protector? Named Zack.. There was a guy named Jack around a lot.. A guy named Eddie is a general.. Was a general. I'm dead. I bled to death obviously.. 

The water changed a little.

"What's happening?" I demanded.

"Keep remember Sam. I am a Twiad. Alien to you. We lived on planet Renton. Our women were killed. So we kidnapped females from planet earth to carry on our race. Zack was your protector. He loved you"

The water formed something. It was like watching TV. I saw people in the water. Someone with black spiky hair. His eyes green. But suddenly changing to several different colors.  

Then he disappeared. He was replaced by another guy. Longish black hair with eyes that changed too.  

Then a woman. Young woman. She stared at me with long wavy brown hair and bright green eyes. She had a white dress on. Stained with blood. 

That's me?

"The people who I saw.. Zack and Jack?" I asked.

"I cant see what you saw"

I closed my eyes and sat next to the river. Trying to remember. I rubbed my arms. Remember touch. Remember. Remember.

"Zack" I whispered.

Something clicked when I said his name.

"I love you Zack" I whispered. "How was I killed?" I asked Eddie.

"It looks like you were either stabbed or shot"

"I'm angry" I told him.

"Its normal"

"How do I get to heaven?"

"There is a door. But you have to find it yourself. No one else can see your door"

"How come your still here?"

"I cant find my Penelope. I don't know whether she is safe or not. Have you seen her?"

"I cant remember Eddie"

I wiped away a tear. Then touched my side. When I looked at my hand. It was coated in blood. I heard a gunshot. But it was more of a memory gunshot.

"I was shot" I whispered.

"You remember?"

"Yes.. I was being stupid and ignorant. Zack told me to not go in there. But when I walked in they shot without warning. They knew I was coming. They have cameras. But I felt like I needed to prove myself"

He nodded listening.

"I left them. I'm not coming back!" I cried. Sadness and anger washed through me.


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