Chapter 1: A Friend for Jiro

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Italics= People's thoughts

3rd person P.O.V

"Jiro-Kun, why can't you have more manners like your brother!" Osanna yelled at the sad-looking Jiro.

"You should just go and run off with your brother you, baka!" Jiro looks down and sighs while walking away.

I should probably quit trying to impress Ossana, Jiro thought to himself.

The way she looks at Taro, it's different... even though she yells at the both of us...

"Igou!" Jiro stops and turns around to see who the voice belonged to. 

Uni-Chan comes running toward him from the hallways. "Igou,"

"Oh hey Uni-Chan," Jiro said to her. 

Then Uni-Chan started signing things. Sign language? Jiro thought to himself.

"Uh I'm a little rusty, but I could only make out some of what you wanted to say..." Uni-Chan looked down.

"Were you trying to say something about me being upset?"  Jiro asks, remembering the hand motions. 

Uni-Chan looks up and nods.

She said:
Don't be upset about Ossana, she's just a Tsundere for your brother. Some people really care about you, I care about you. Its just the talking that it can't do.

Jiro looks at Uni-Chan, a confused expression on his face. "Igou!" Jiro shrugged it off.

"Uh was that most of what you wanted to say?" Jiro asks. Uni-Chan nods.

She hands Jiro a note and runs off.

The note read a simple "Igou" with a bunch of hearts and decorations around it.

I thought she liked Taro... maybe it's just all in my head... 

Jiro shakes his head to get the thought out of his mind.

He looks up to see Taro standing right in front of him.

"Hey bro! What's that you got there?" He asks pointing to Jiro's note.

A pink hue spreads across Jiro's cheeks, "U-uh, nothing... H-hey, we should get to class." Jiro replies changing the subject.

"Okay, suit yourself." Taro replies walking ahead.
Jiro's P.O.V

Maybe I should stick around with Uni-Chan. Considering the fact she pretty much said she cared about me...

"Ah!" Someone exclaims from the front of me. Then I realize I'm on the floor.

"Oh hey Jiro-Kun, Taro-Kun," a voice said, I look forward and see Kokona and Taro.

Oh yeah we were walking to class...

"You guys okay?" Taro asks. I nod, Kokona does the same. We were in front of our classroom.

"Hey Kokona-Chan, what class do you have?" I ask collecting my thoughts. 

"Same one as you guys I'm guessing," She responds pointing towards the door.

"Well let's go!" Taro replies walking inside.
~~~~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

"Psst, Jiro-Kun" I hear Kokona whisper to me. I turn to look at her.

"What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

She smiles, "I heard that Uni-Chan has a huge crush on you!" She smirks even more.

I feel my face heat up, and I cover my face with my hands. Kokona giggles. "W-what are you laughing at?!" I ask in annoyance.

"Oh nothing~" She laughs again, which makes me growl silently. 


"See you two later!" Kokona exclaims waving to the two of us.

"Bye!" Taro exclaims happily. I on the other hand, still salty, just mutter some noises.
"What was that about?" Taro asks me. "What do you mean? I ask sarcastically.

"You didn't say bye to Kokona-Chan." He says looking upset. "Well she embarrassed me and made me upset so..." I respond guiltily.

"Anyway let's go to lunch!" I respond changing the subject.

Then we walked up to our normal spot for lunch, the roof.

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