Chapter 7: Murder Mystery (pt. 2)

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3rd person P.O.V:

Round 3: Murderer: Ashlie Detective: Mousie

"Alright, let's find out who the Killer is and who the detective is, let's figure it out!" Cory shouts happily.

"So Ashlie had Bane's head, Jon had Ashlie's head and Nick had Jon's head?" Mousie asked.

"Yup" the four answered. "AHHH!" Uni suddenly screamed. "Welp Uni's dead..." Ashlie said right after he screamed.

"I've got the bow!" Mousie shouts. "Okay. Well at least we know that the detective is still alive..." Cory says.

"Oh hey! Blegh," a death sound was made coming from Mousie.

"Never mind, I take that back," Cory says, hearing the death sound. "Okay so Mousie had the bow, I collected a bow... so who is it?" Jon asked.

"Wait Jon you said you had a bow right?" Nick asked. "Yeah, but Atley has been very quiet..." Jon responds.

"No I'm still alive, I've been looking for heads or other pieces." Ashlie says, calmly.

"Hey I found the bow!" Bane exclaims. "Bane your still alive?" Cory asked, chuckling at his words.

"Yeah, I've been silent but I'm al- Blegh..." She cuts herself off by making a death sound.

"Oh... nevermind..." Ashlie said. "Is it Atley?!?!" Jon exclaims. "It must be..." Cory answers.

"Where is she?" Nick asks, not realizing how close he was to her. "AGH NO!!" Nick screamed. "NOOO NICK!" Jon shouts after Nick's death.

Ashlie started to giggle. "WHERE IS SHE?!?" Cory asks, laughing at the same time.

"ON NO SHE'S RIGHT THERE!" Jon shouted, pointing the bow at her. She just kept giggling.

Jon kept missing. Cory, with his amazing bow skills, actually missed Ashlie, but hit Jon instead. "OH NO!" Jon screamed.

With that happening Ashlie started to laugh like crazy. "What happend?" She asked taking in breaths, still laughing.

Murderer wins: The murderer was: Ashlie9596

"Apparently Cory shot Jon, on accident." Uni says, chuckling. "Well I mean at least when I died I grabbed Mousie's head..." Cory said.

"Oh really? Can I have it?" Mousie asked. "No- yeah sure," Cory chuckles then gives it to Mousie once he sees her.

"Next round?" Cory asks. "Yeah!" Uni answers.

Round 2: Murderer: Uni, Detective: Nick

"Alright let's find out who the Killer is and who the detective is. Let's figure it out!" Cory shouts.

"I'm the detective!" Uni said. "Um no you're not..." Nick snaps back at Uni.

"Uh oh..." Uni pauses. "is it Uni?" Bane asks.

"Probably. Once I see him I'm gonna shoot at him." Nick chuckles. "Oh THERE HE IS! BLEGH!" Cory died...

"Where is he?" Mousie asked, panicked. "He was in one of the hallways." Ashlie said, not as panicked. "Oh that's good because I'm in the courtyard." Nick lied.

He was hiding by the lockers and Uni was by the doorway to the courtyard. "Oh hey Uni, blegh..." Ashlie made the death noise.

"NOOO ATLEY!" "Blegh." Uni made the death noise. Innocents win, the murderer was: UNiCOMICS.

"Who killed him?" Cory asked. "I did!" Jon announced with pride.

"I did it for Atley!" Jon said, 'Awws' came from Bane, Mousie and Ashlie. "Oh I got Uni's head." Bane said. "Give it here!" Uni exclaims in a weird voice. "I also got Cory's head!" Mousie exclaims.

"When you give the last one to me the portal should activate." Cory answers. "We should gather." Ashlie says. Mousie then gave the head to Cory and then the portal activated in front of their eyes.

"It looks like a nether portal..." Ashlie points out. "Same with the portal in the AU series but no one's cared yet." Jon chuckles.

"This will take us through most of the roleplay or one time mini games we've done." Uni explains.

"Let's go!" Ashlie exclaims jumping in. "Welp no turning back." Bane and Mousie jump in together.

"Awww come on Atley..." Jon jumps in after her. "Jon wait!" Nick shouts after him. Cory looks at Uni. "Shall we Ricky tip?" Uni laughs. "We shall Randy." They jump in together.

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