Chapter 3: The Unexpected

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Jiro's P.O.V

"Jiro, you made her cry!" Taro yells at me, looking upset. "I-I, didn't mean to, I-I was just telling the truth... I didn't know it'd make her cry..." I put my head down, afraid he was going to yell at me more.

Ossana's P.O.V (didn't see that coming did ya?)

Wait I'm crying? Oh I guess I didn't realize... I mean Jiro-Kun, DID yell at me...

"IGOU!" Uni-Chan's voice echoed through the courtyard. "Oh... Hey Uni-Chan..."

She starts doing handmotions. Wait...sign language...? Oh no I only know a couple words...

"Umm I don't what you were trying to say..." I say. Then Uni-Chan says something shocking.

"UGH I can't do this anymore, Bane you're gonna help me with Cory," Uni-Chan didn't say that, UNI did.

"W-wait... Uni? What are you doing? Your gonna get us caught! Go back to saying Igou!" I say in my normal voice.

"Bane, calm down Cory is getting this Roleplay a LITTLE out of hand... I did somethings my self that isn't on the script..." Uni says looking down.

My eyes widen, "Is THAT what you were doing with Cory and "Taro" at lunch?"

Uni nods. "He might freak out later...Anyway that's not the point... the thing is I want you to apologize to "Jiro" and tell him to meet "Uni- Chan" at the Cherry Blossom tree."

I smirk and nod, "I'll put a letter in his locker to meet me on the roof," I then clear my throat and put on my Ossana voice.

"See ya later Uni-Chan," Uni smiles and goes back to being Uni-Chan, "Igou!"
~After school~

Jiro's P.O.V:

Me and Taro were getting the stuff out of our lockers when a note falls out of it.

"Hey what's this?" I question aloud. Taro looks over. "Well maybe you should open it." Taro rolls his eyes playfully.

Huh..." I open the note and it read:

Meet me on the roof after school,


"It says to meet, whoever it is, on the roof..." I say. "When?" Taro asks, "Now..." I answer.

Taro smiles "You go do that. I'll Uh... walk home with Ossana-Chan..." he says lowering his voice then walks away.

I watch him walk away and mutter something under my breath,I then go up to the roof.
I catch my breath after running up the stairs to the roof. I walk upon the patio and see a figure on the other side of the roof.

'Could that be the person? I mean... no one else is here...' I think to myself.

I look up and shrug. Might as well go over there.

The closer I got, the more familiar they seemed.

I stood behind them and realized...

"Ossana? You're the one who wanted me here?!" I ask in shock.
She turns around and smiles.

"Yeah... I Uh wanted to apologize..."

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