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Ed has had a fear of heights for as long as he can remember. Not just a nervousness, but a muscle-clenching, gut-freezing, full body paralysis if he even so much as stood on a chair. And Liza knew something was wrong when he came home crying.
Ed slammed the door behind him and immediately sank to the floor, head in his hands, sobbing. Liza heard him and ran from the kitchen to him.
"Ed! What's wrong baby?" She asked frantically.
He just shook his head through the tears.
"Nothing." His voice cracked.
"Ed honey," Liza began as she sat down with him, "nothing? Really? Ed you've been home for two seconds and you're crying. I know my husband," she said lifting his chin up to meet her eyes. "Something is most definitely wrong."
"The...the new director. He.....agh." He hastily wiped another tear from his face.
"He wants me to jump out of a fucking plane Liza!" He shouted.
"Hey, hey calm down." Liza reassured him. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"I know, I told him I'm not doing it, but....i...I don't know if he'll listen."
"Oh Ed...they will not do that to you. Surely they know about your fear of heights."
"They..." he sat up straight as if just now realizing what he was doing.
"What the hell am I doing." He said in frustration.
He got up and started walking away.
"Ed! Ed where are you going?" Liza asked.
"This...this phobia! It's stupid! I'm....i..."
"No, no Teddy." Liza began sympathetically, walking over to him.
"Teddy, I know what it's like to have fears,to lie awake at night and let all the bad scenarios take over. You can't let those fears control you.....but I also know you can't change the way you are."
He looked up at her and smiled. He waltzed over to her and gave her a big bear hug.
"What's this for Ed?" Liza chuckled.
"You always know just what to say." He said with a smile.
They walked upstairs together, their hands intertwined, and went to bed.

Again, sorry this is so short! I have trouble finding time to write these! Well, this one is dedicated to Max. He's my best friend and he is also afraid of heights, just like Ed Sheeran. I hope I did this well. I don't really know what it's like to have that phobia. Enjoy bessfrand and all you other amazing sheerios!🖤🖤🖤

More than Life Itself (an Ed Sheeran Imagine)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora