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It was about two o' clock in the afternoon when the silence of the house was broken by the squeaky front door being opened.
Liza sat up from their bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She had been awoken from her nap by Ed stumbling through the door, home early.
Ed's eyes were glued to his phone as he tossed his keys into the dish and propped his guitar up against the wall. He plopped down on the couch and held his thumb up, massaging his temple.
Liza sleepily walked down the stairs and looked in the living room where she saw Ed sitting in his cute little position that he always was in: one leg crossed under the other, the one on top reaching the floor. His brows were furrowed into a 'u' shape, something he only did when he was worried. His face was strewn with worry and his eyes were tearing up a little.
"Ed? What's wrong?" Liza said worried.
Ed snapped his head up and looked at Liza in shock.
He stood up quickly and shoved his phone in his pocket.
"Oh it's nothing. I'm home!" He faked a smile and Liza didn't believe it.
"Ed, what is it?" Liza said, scolding him a little for lying to her.
"Ah...." he started, scratching his head nervously, "Well Love, there just comes a day when you get fed up and you just walk away from all the drama and the people who created it."
Liza was completely shocked by his statement and realized that the situation at hand was much worse than she had originally thought.
"Teddy," she paused, choosing her words carefully, "What do you mean by that?"
Ed's expression changed. He was becoming annoyed.
"I'm going off Twitter completely. I can't read it! I go on there and there's nothing but people saying mean things." He huffed and crossed his arms across his chest.
Liza smiled, "Oh baby, who cares? Look at how far you've come..." she chuckled.
"Do you seriously think this is funny Liza?!" Ed began to raise his voice.
Liza's smile completely disappeared as she realized what she just said. He was really hurt and she hadn't taken him seriously.
"One comment completely ruins your day. The headfuck for me has been trying to figure out why people hate me so much!"
"Ed, I'm sor..."
"It's just really awful. You understand, yeah?" He looked up at Liza hopefully.
"Yes, yea, of course Ed. It's your decision if you want to come off Twitter."
"I suppose I will then."

Later that night, Ed couldn't sleep. Finally, after tossing and turning for almost four hours, he got up and walked over to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror.
"How could anyone..." he trailed off as his eyes fell to the floor where a razor blade had been carelessly kicked to the corner.
He looked back at his reflection, then at the blade.
He slowly approached it as if something would jump out at him at any moment. He picked it up cautiously in his right hand and walked back over to the mirror. He reached over and locked the door.
He looked back up at his reflection one last time and quickly turned his head away in shame. He looked down at his hand that was holding the razor blade and looked at his left wrist. He lifted his right hand so the blade was lightly touching his skin he took in a deep breath...
"Teddy, what are you doing in there?" He heard Liza grumble sleepily from the bedroom.
"Oh uh....nothing, just washing up." He scrambled to throw the razor blade in the trash, and in doing so knocked over some Listerine and other containers. He picked them up and put them back on the counter. He unlocked the door.
He walked back out to the bedroom where Liza was fast asleep. He carefully and slowly lifted the covers and slipped into bed. He put his arms around Liza and soon found sleep.

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