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(Hey guys that's one of my kittens. His name is Colby and he's the sweetest thing ever. He is honestly the one thing that can umm...control my mental health???? Yeah he keeps me so happy and I love him so much. Anyways he has nothing to do with this story but I wanted to show him to you because he's so precious. Okay on with the chapter.)

Liza and Ed walked hand in hand to the coffee shop not too far from their house: Phil's Coffee. As they strolled, they talked and whispered sweet nothings to each other, laughing. Every once in a while, Liza would stop to catch her breath, and while doing so she squeezed Ed's hand tightly. Liza was due any day now and it was becoming more difficult to complete everyday tasks; even something as simple as walking. Finally, the two entered the shop. Ed quickly pulled his blue hoodie over his head and pulled the drawstrings so that some of his face was covered as well. People in this part of town knew who he was...mostly because they knew he loved somewhere around them. As he walked up to the counter to order he thought,
This is so stupid. I literally have bright ginger hair, I always dress like this, I'm wearing a hoodie that almost everyone on the planet has seen me in, and I've got tattoos that aren't exactly...well...normal tattoos.
Ed pulled his sleeves down as far as they could go, but the tattoos on his wrists were still showing.
Great. He thought.
"What can I get you today...sir?" The Phil's employee smiled brightly. A hint of recognition could easily be seen in her eyes.
"Erm," Ed began, glancing over the menu, "I'll have Erm...an iced vanilla coffee...oh! And she'll have the same." Ed stated, turning back to look at Liza.
The blonde teen at the counter smiled,
"Can I get a name for your order?"
Okay she knows. Ed thought. She so knows. If everyone in this place finds out it'll be a slaughterhouse! Crap.
"Erm...." Ed knew he couldn't use his real name, so he frantically glanced around the room in search of a temporary alias.
"Ummm....Phil. Yeah Phil...that's-that's me."
The blonde laughed, tilting her head forward, exposing her brown roots which could really use a touch up.
"You're really bad at this huh Sheeran?" She smiled looking up at him.
Ed didn't know what to say.
"Look if-"
The girl cut him off, "Look don't worry. I'm not one of those mega fan girls who wants sixty different autographs coffees on me."
Ed smiled and began to speak, "Well you really don't have to I'm-"
The girl smirked and placed her hands on her hips, signaling for him to just let her pay for his coffee.
Ed sighed and gently smiled up at her, "Thank you..." he paused, inviting her to chime in her name.
"Emma." She said. "Emma Chamberlain."
"Well thank you Emma Emma Chamberlain." Ed smiled as Emma turned around to brew his coffee.
After about a minute, Emma handed Ed the two coffees. He flashed a smile in her direction as he pivoted on his heel to turn to Liza. She looked a bit green, as she was holding her large stomach.
"You alright, Love?" Ed asked a bit concerned.
Liza stood up and nodded her head slowly.
"Just a bit of morning sickness or whatever." Liza stated calmly.
She looked up at Ed and smiled softly, "Shall we?" She asked, motioning towards the door, signaling they should start their walk home.
Ed nodded and helped her to the door.

Liza and Ed didn't have much planned for the day, so they resorted to sipping their now lukewarm coffee on the couch together. Liza snuggled herself into Ed's arms and tilted her chin up to look at him.
"Friends marathon?" She asked.
"Friends marathon." Ed concluded.
He grabbed the remote and switched on the TV.
Liza stirred and said, "I'm gonna get some water real quick."
She used her hand to push herself up off the couch.
Ed jumped up to help, "Do you need-"
"I'm alright Ed."
Ed sat back down as Liza walked slowly to the kitchen. Ed couldn't help but worry about her lately. This last month has been very...worrisome for Ed to say the least. Liza had been feeling very sick and even though she claimed it was because of the pregnancy, Ed knew otherwise. The doctor gave little information when Ed finally convinced Liza to go back to the hospital. Her eyes were less clear. Her bags became darker and now they were yellowing. She was tired all the time.
Liza returned to the living room. Ed opened his mouth concerned, about to ask Liza if she was okay. Liza suddenly went pale,
"Teddy?" She whispered, frozen in place.
Ed jumped up off the couch and ran to her.
"Liza what's-"
"My water broke."

Yooo. What's up you guys. So I'm on vacation rn (well not when you're reading this) and there's no WiFi here so I cant post rip. Anyways like...comment...be awesome. Adios

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