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I was the girl
who would
stick her head
in the clouds ,
to sniff the
skies and see
if they smelled
blue , like they
looked .
You were the
boy , who
would dip his
feet in salty
waters , and
scream at the
waves to hug
you in the most
motherly embrace .
and at night , I
would stretch my
fingers towards
the moon , and
secretly wish that
by some miracle,
I'll become a star,
so if I break down ,
I would shatter into
a million of glowing
fragments ,  and
allow people to
wish upon me .
while you darling ,
puffed at your
cigarette , and
wrapped your
lungs in a warm
blanket, building
a wall to stop
your wandering
thoughts and
shutting the loud
voices in your
head .
yes , we were
both broken,
just differently,
so we chose
different ways to
mend our pieces .
but none of them
were right , for
in the end all we
did was running.

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