Chapter 16

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Finally I'm going to get out of this stupid hospital in 10 minutes. Lexi better get here as soon as possible because I'm bored as hell.

I just want to go home!


I'm currently on my way to the hospital. But before I stop at the grocery store to pick up some candy. She'll really want it to get the hospital food out of her mouth. Ugh it's so gross.. You know, from what iv heard.

"That's 1.50$ please" the cashier smiled

One of the first damn cashiers that weren't total assholes to me. Wow.

I smile back at her and give her a 5 dollar bill "keep the change, by the way you have a pretty smile"

"Thanks so much.. This job doesn't pay much, it helps a lot more then you think" she shrugs

"Yea I know what you mean, before I moved here I had a job at the groceries" I shrug as well "well I better be going, see ya"

I wave, smiling. Now to get Diane. If I'm late she will literally kill me. Last night she called me and for one and a half hours and all she did was complain about how the hospital sucked and that she was fine enough to leave.

Let's just say she complains a lot, but I still love her.


"Get me out now!!" She pulls on my left arm

"I know, I know. Come on!" I roll my eyes "I'm not carrying you"

"Aw c'mon? For me?" She whines

"You ether get the candy I bought or I carry you and I eat the candy. What will it be?"

She gives me a death glare and keeps walking, sliding her feet on the floor. Pain in the ass , she is.

"Pick up you feet and let's go ya twat!" I giggle

"But .." She frowns

"But what?"

"But then I have to confront Cameron.. You told me what he said on the phone. He doesn't wanna see me, or talk to me! He probably hates me now Lexi! And who would believe a person who says they got drugged?"

"Dee you were in the fucking hospital! Of course he has to believe you, the doctors say so" I tell her

I start the car and were off. The wind flies threw my hair, sending a chill up my spin. The ride was silence but not a comfortable silence. An awkward silence.

"You know you have to talk to cam sooner or later right?" I break the silence

"I know.. I'm just scared" she frowns

"Don't be, he will understand" he has to

"I can only hope" she looks away and rests her head on the side of the car

I pull into the driveway slowly then hope out and lock it. Diane was still sitting there with her hands in her lap. She needs to know that cameron is understanding! And it's not her fault someone else drugged her she didn't dunk herself.

"Look , I hate to be the mean guy but you need to grow some tits and get in there!" I practically yell

"But I-"

"No buts Dee. Not this time, make this right. Now" I tell her

I leave her there speechless and open the door, spamming it behind me. Dammit I hate being mean but at least I'm good at acting. Hopefully I put enough sense in her to talk to him.


It's been 25 minutes since the girls came home. Lexi told us Diane had some thinking to do and was in the car.

The door opens and Diane appears. She's looking at the ground and her left hand was rubbing the opposite arm. She made no contact with anyone else but her eyes slowly drifted up to mine.

"C-can I ... Can I talk to you" she gulps , whispering

I slowly nod and follow her to the kitchen. I sit on the counter and face her.

"I uh.. I wanted to apologize" she frowns, tears forming in her brown eyes

"Don't be. I heard what happened" I say

"But I am. It might not be all my fault but I couldn't imagine how that made you feel"

"To be honest I felt worthless, like I was never gonna find love" tears now were starting to form in my eyes, now remembering the feeling I had. The loneliness, the hurt.

"I- I'm so sorry!" And that's when she broke down in tears, tears streaming down her face

I frown then get off the counter, then walking over and hugging her small body. She sobbed into my chest.

"It's ok Dee" I run my fingers threw her beautiful hair "everything's ok"

"I like you cam.." She whispers

"I like you to, a lot"

I lean down and our lips lock. Butterfly's filled my inter body, it felt like I was in heaven just kissing her.

Could she be the one? Making me feel this way, this amazing way.


Oooooh! A new couple? (;




Love you all!


The new girl [magcon fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz