Chapter 28

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"Ah!" I scream

My head flys forward, my heart beating fast as I look around at my surroundings. All I remember was Nash's fist coming at me then black.

And now I'm looking at a blank white wall in an uncomfortable bed... A hospital bed. Oh my gosh! I'm in a hospital.

My heart starts to race and a minister beside me is moving at a rapid speed.

A low beeping sound went off and a nurse came rushing in. "Calm down sweetheart, everything's going to be fine" she rubs my back

I could feel myself slowly calming down. If a nurse who's been in school for who knows how long says I'm fine, then I'm probably fine.

"W-where am I?" I ask her

"The hospital" she frowns

"Yea I know that but I mean.. Like why?"

"You don't remember being knocked out?" She asks with a worried look

"No I do I just never thought that a fist could send your to the ER" I shrug "was it that bad?"

"Yes, when you got hit you fell to the ground. Your lucky your friends were there or you could of had very bad damage to your head, maybe even amnesia"

"Woah.." I didn't know it was that bad "how... How long was I out?"

"5 hours, your fine now. Just rest sweetie" and then she walked away leaving me alone

5 hours ... Who knew Nash was that strong? Speaking of Nash.. "Oh my gosh!"

I started freaking out. What could they of done to each other in the time I was out. Trent and Nash could of killed each other for all I know.

"Please, somebody!" I yell

The nurse comes back and try's to calm me down "Shh sweetie what's the matter?"

"My two friends- Nash and Trent they were in a fight and what if they arnt ok and-" I cry

She cuts me off "they are fine.. A couple of bruises and the one with the pretty blue eyes has a black eye, no biggy my dear" she shrugs

"Oh ok, well are they here?" I ask

"Yes a bunch of people are in the waiting room for you, although they know it's not a big injury they insisted on staying. Your crowd can be very persistent"

"They are?!" I smile

"Yes, I can bring then in for you"

"Please!" I clap

Nodding, she walks away. Minutes later my friends come barging into the small in closed room.

Nash is the first one and runs over to my side. "I'm so sorry! I was gonna hit him but then you-"

I chuckle, cutting him off mid sentence. "Nash shut up, it's fine. It's not like you killed me of anything!"

"But I-" he frowns

"No buts mister. It's fine don't worry about it" I then turn to Matthew "can I see my phone?" I ask

He reaches in his pocket and retrieves my phones, handing it to me. I thank him then tell everyone to huddle around me. For the next 25 minutes we took selfies on each of our phones.

My phone was going off every second with notifications from fans. I decided to check some of them, hoping to not have any negative comments. But like that's going to happen. There will always be mean people in the world that will leave hate comments.

Autumn M: hope you feel better! Love you! Xox

Dem_5chicks: we love you so much! Feel better soon bæ

Madalyn: feel better soon xox

I smile at the sweet comments. Then there were the mean comments. I didn't let me down though, that's the art of not giving a fuck.

Bree: you stupid bitch hope you stay in that hospital and stay away from my husbands!

Kim: I hate you stay away from magcon boys

I then thank some of the people for the nice comments. Hopefully it will bring a smile to there face. I quickly make a thank you tweet then give my phone back to Matthew.

"By the way the nurse said that you are aloud that you can come home. We can take you home right now" Taylor grins

I smile back "good I wanna get out of this stupid room, it's so stuffy. I already hate it and I haven't even been here long enough to eat the crap they make here"

"Let's take you home" Matthew kisses my cheek

• • •

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