Chapter 19

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Unedited :(


cops slammed the door open, keeping their guns in sight. I'm truly terrified.

"Is tori here?" One yells

"Y- yea.. She's in the living room" I gulp

Half of them head to the living room and half of them stay. This can't be good.

The man frowns as he comes closer. Tears form in my eyes as he says the words I was most afraid of. "Hands behind your back"

I gulp again. This is the end. Drugging someone could put me in jail for how long! A single tear falls down my cheek and I put my hands behind my back. I could feel the handcuffs around both wrists now.

"Your coming with us" a different cop growls

He doesn't seem friendly at all.

"Ok" i whisper

"C'mon, hurry it u-"

"STOP!!" Multiple voices yell

I turn my head to see all my friends. My eyes widen and I gasp. "Guys no!"

"She doesn't deserve to go to jail officer, please give us a couple minutes of your time to explain" Madalyn pleads , looking on the verge of tears as well

They look at eachother and slowly nod.

"Thank you" Nash smiles

"She was only defending us. Tori is off the chain insane! She was probably going to kill one of us in the future. She also stocked us to get information and when she had it she went and drugged Diane. Diane had no idea who she was and was sent to the hospital because the drugs made her faint in our front door!" Cameron says and hands one of the officers the hospital information. Now that's good prove!

"And she also trespassed on out lawn" Taylor said

"She was also going to do more because she wants Cameron. She was after Diane the most. She could of been dead if it weren't for Lexi doing what she did" Nash says "she knew that if she called the police to Tori's house she would escape with one of her devious plans"

Diane continued with the conversation. "We made a plan to get tori over here so you guys can get her. We just gave her sleeping pills in the beer she asked for so she couldn't leave"

Matthew steps forward so he was face to face with the main officer. "Please let her go, I love her with all my heart and I can't lose her to jail. She's my everything"

"I love you to" I whisper back

I was officially sobbing now. I have the most incredible friends in the world, they went threw all this trouble for me and I couldn't ask for anything better.

I'm surprised when I don't feel the handcuffs anymore, but free wrists. I look at the officer who was smiling at me.

"Thank you sir, you have a kind heart. Your family and friends are very lucky" I smile

I then turn to my friends and run to them. I wrap my arms around everyone that I could. I repeated 'thank you' over and over again. But the trust is I couldn't thank them enough.

"But guys," I pause "if you EVER scare me like that again I will cut off your balls and feed them to zebras"

"Um.. Some of us don't have balls Lexi" Madalyn giggles

"Fine then I'll cut off your boobs, better?" I grin

"Much" she grins back


It's 1 in the morning and I still can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes and start to drift into a dream it turns into a night mare with tori coming at me with a knife. She always says "they will pay" over and over.

I just need to get my mind off it. I play some one direction on my phone and their voices send me to a dreamless sleep. I never said there was no night mares....

I wake up in a weird room. Nothing was around me. Just me and a chair I was.. Tied to? What?!

"Help!" I yell

Tori appears in front of me. I scream but I don't know why, it's just tori. She wouldn't- my eyes widen. There's a knife in her hand and she was coming closer to me. With every step I trebled in fear.

"no one can hear you Lexi, no one can help you" she grins devilishly

"My friends will- they.. They will come. They have to!" I cry

"There on my side now" she runs the blade down my right arm, blood flooded out everywhere. I was covered in my own blood.

"N-no!" I yell

"Yes, and now you die bitch!"

And she stabs me in the stomach.. Over and over again. I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Die!" She screams

And then there's a knife threw my heart. I'm dead, Gone forever.

"AHH!" I scream

My head shots up from the pillow and I'm breathing heavily. I start to sob.

"Get out of my head" I cry "..please. I can't take it anymore"


How will Lexi get tori out of her head?




Love you all so much!


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