The Robotic Child.

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It was night, the beginning of summer where they were, and Tommy and Nick had adjusted well to living arrangements at the home in the two weeks they were already there. They boys in the room were always wondering
what new children would one day fill the last two bunks in the room, there were already a lot of kids at the large home but they waited. You would think there would be plenty of children that were strange or acted rebellious or different, but sadly no. The other children had learned that if they are to someday, one day, get taken in by any family that the family would want a normal child, one who hasn't been though terrors of the world and hadn't grown up already. They would want the angelic and innocent, not the wild ones that caused them a headache or any trouble.

Uni and Nick were the only ones who woke up at the sound of the door being knocked. Uni groaned and checked the clock, it was one am.

"Why are they knocking...."Nick groaned out in annoyance.

"I don't know..."Uni said.

"Hello?"A new voice said, "I was uh, told to bring my stuff here?"

Uni sat up, new orphan, "Uh, yeah! There are two other bunks."He turned on his lamp.

"Oh? Someone new, okay, I'm awake!"Nick said. He sat up and looked too. Yup, this kid will find right in. He looked quite robotic.

"Oh, right, the whole..robot thing."The newcomer said with a chuckle. His blue and black metal face was small, he looked young.
He had pure white eyes and white lips, he wore headphones over his head, and his lighter blue hair was pushed down into his face. He wore a dark blue vest, dark blue jeans, and dark blue converse, "My name is Dawn!"

"I'm Uni, that's Nick. Those two dummies that haven't woken up, the one with the mask is Tommy and the camera face is Cory."Uni said.

He nodded and took the bottom bunk of a bed, he hopped into it and yawned, "Sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay, good night."

"HOLY CRAP!"Was the sentence Uni heard when he woke up, it was Cory flipping out.

"What's wrong...."Uni said tiredly.

"WHO IS THAT."He asked, bewildered.

"That's Dawn, he's our new roomie. He came in last night, Cory."Nick answered.

"Ohhhh, so should I put the axe away?"Tommy said, he was sitting up in bed holding a axe.

"Um.."Dawn said nervously, staring up at the axe wielding boy with some sweat on his forehead.

"TOMMY!"Uni shouted.

"I'll take that as a yes..?"He guessed.

"PUT THE AXE AWAY!"Nick said, clutching a turtle plush.

"Where did you even keep that..."Cory wondered aloud. Tommy just put the axe underneath his pillow and nervously laughed.

"U-Uh...being here will be interesting, won't it?"Dawn questioned.

"Most likely."Uni laughed.

It was a hot day, the sun baking anyone who stayed outside. It was summer after all, so it was expected for everyone to be stuck in sweltering heat. Since they didn't have much to do, after lunch they had hurried back to their room. Dawn stuck around with them, seeing as everyone else kinda just ignored or didn't bother with them. However the boys noticed how jittery Dawn had been when eating their lunch, his hand was jerky and twitched around for a few moments before going back to normal for a couple more minutes until it did so again.

Dawn sat on his bed, the other boys just did the same, and reached out for a book he had left on the bed. He stopped when he was inches away, his arm was stretched out and his hand was spazzing.

"Okay, dude, are you alright?"Cory asked, "You are spazzing out on us."

Dawn grabbed his own wrist to stop himself, "Sorry. Um, can one of you grab the bag underneath my bed while I try to stop my own hand?"

Nick nods and walks over, pulling out a black backpack, when moving it, it made the sound of metal clanging and hitting against each other.

Dawn grabbed it from Nick with his hand that wasn't shaking, he zipped it open and dumped out mechanical parts and tools, "So, the engineer/scientist that made me did a lot to make me sentient and age, grow, and hurt like any other child. When I was taken away from him, there were still some things needed to be fixed since he liked to take some things apart from me to make them more then perfect, though, that is impossible so it happened a lot. I'm trying to fix all of it, it just, takes time."He explained, he used a screwdriver to unscrew a few screws and flipped open a panel on his hand, inside the hand was circuits and other various mechanical parts whirring inside, some sparks flew off when it was opened. Dawn huffed and messed around with the wiring and circuit boards, the other boys took notice of how he winced a bit while doing it.

"Do..Do you need help? It's, um, hurting ya."Tommy offered.

"I'm fine-..."He said, some sparks flew out and zapped, "..ow.."
Dawn pursed his lips and pulled some wires into new spots, then he quickly closed the panel and screwed it closed. He flexed his fingers on his hand, that had now stopped shaking violently, and smiled when his hand had now returned to normal.

"Is that going to happen often?"Nick asked.

"Most likely."Dawn answered, he put the tools back im the bag and kicked it back underneath the bed. He then laid down, his head against the pillow, and opened his book above his face.

"Yeah, you better expect us to help them that happens. It obviously hurt when you fixed it up."Uni said, his eyebrows knitted.

"I don't think you guys know anything about mechanics..."Dawn argued.

"Then we learn from ya, bud. Easy!"Tommy says enthusiastically.

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