Blood Red.

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"I can't believe summer is almost over."Uni said, he and the others were sitting on the benches of the back. They only had two weeks left of staying up late and being lazy.

"I can't believe we are sitting outside, cooking like bacon."Nick said dryly as he had sweat on his forehead.

"It's not that bad."Tommy said with a small smirk, he knew how to handle the heat.

"Maybe your beard is working against you."Dawn said, he was reading of course and didn't even look up.

"Har. Har."Nick said sarcastically.

"Yes, hilarious, can we get inside now?"Cory practically whined, "I'm dying here."

"Fine, Fine. Don't be overdramatic, Carl."Tommy said with a of his eyes and stood up from the bench.

"That isn't my name-..!"Cory said but didn't so anything else but follow everyone else back inside.

When they walked into their room, they knew something was wrong and different then usual. All their beds were made, usually it was only Uni and Dawn who made their bed while the others left it messy. There was also a dark blue backpack on the last bunk bed, the one next to Dawn's. A candle was lit on the table, a sent of vanilla in the air.

"Okay...Not weird at all.."Tommy said as they all slowly walk into the room.

"Oh! Hello! You must be my roomates now!"A girl's voice said behind them. They all jump and then around to see a girl at their age standing at the doorway.

She had long blood red hair with a gray bow in it and cyan eyes, she wore a pair of black goggles on her head, brown fingerless gloves, a oversized blue sweather decorated in white snowflakes, black shorts that were just above her knees, and she wore black converse with cat socks. She also had a small scar above her right eye.

"Hi! I'm new, the other rooms were filled with mean people who said not to room here because you were 'Freaks' so I wanted to prove you are normal kids. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, though."She said.

"Righteous, Nice to know we aren't all seem like weirdos!"Tommy said.

"Oh, and sorry for the candle. I had one and this room smelled like socks!"Ashlie added.

"At least you can actually be clean, unlike some people in this room.."Uni said, giving a game towards Nick, Tommy, and Cory.

"Hey, I bring the smell of roses to the room, I don't see the need to making my bed..."Nick muttered.

"My name is Dawn. This is Uni, Cory, Tommy, and Nick."Dawn introduced, ignoring the others. He extended a hand that the girl shook with enthusiasm.

"Ashlie!"She responded.

Ashlie had settled into the room that day, and dragged the boys outside, "Let's go guys! We can't stay inside all day!"The boys acted like they were dying, with an exception of Dawn since he really didn't mind the heat since he was a robot.

"Come on, don't be so dramatic! We need to be outside, guys!"She exclaimed.

"Come on, we always sit on these benches."Dawn said, they went at sat at the benches against the building. They all sat down.

"See? This is nice."Ashlie said.

"I'm dying. It's too hot..."Nick groaned.

"Maybe it's the beard, I don't think it's helping you too much."Ashlie laughed. Cory snorted and agreed. Dawn inwardly laughed at the coincidence she said that as well.

"Hey camera face!"Someone said, it was Alex, "Oh, look at this, you got a girlfriend."He teased.

"Aha. Yeah, no."Ashlie says.

"Right, why are you hanging out with these weirdos?"James says.

"These guys, are now my roomates. So can you back off."She said sternly.

"Seriously, your friends with them? Eyepatch, Mask, Beardy, a Camera face, and Robo Cop."Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I am. So?"Ashlie practically hissed, she was now standing.

"So, their freaks."James laughed.

Ashlie sat in the small dining room where only a few kids eat at a time. The orphanage was just a large house after all.

She was hunched over and frowning as one of the adults sat on front of her, lecturing Ashlie about violence towards other kids.

"Yes yes, I understand that those two boys were being rude but that does not excuse such violence....Punching is not the answer, Ashlie. I know you may think so because of-"She rants on.

"Please, that's not the reason why, miss. They were being rude to my new friend's, and I may have lost my temper."She interrupted.

"Right...Still. You owe James here an apology."She said, gesturing towards the boy sitting in a chair on the other side of the table. He held a handful of napkins up against his nose, some blood seeping through them as he glared at Ashlie.

"I don't regret punching him. In all honesty, he should be apologizing for bullying my friends."She says. She stood up.

"Apologies, please."The woman sighed. Ashlie huffed, muttered a quick sorry, and left quickly and to her new room.

When she entered the room, the boys immediately all stood up, Tommy spoke first, "That was awesome."

"I mean, the violence wasn't needed, though, it was affective."Dawn said.

"You get in much trouble?"Uni questioned.

"Eh, it could've been worse."She shrugged and sat on her bed.

It was late now, Ashlie was the only one awake. She was a bit of an insomniac at times. She leaned against the window and stared out into the street that was luminated by the street lamps. She sighed and continued to stare at nothing.

She must have stayed there long enough because soon, she say people. It was the middle of the night and a man was walking down the street in a lab coat. Some kind of doctor, maybe. He was holding a brief case in one hand was a phone, she couldn't see this doctor guy well, she can only make out that he was pale and had slick back, brown hair.

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