Doctors Visits.

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"Okay! We all need to go to the yearly doctor visit, okay? Some of you will go today, and some will go tmmorow. Got it?"The women said, her name was Allison.

"The doctor?"Uni squeaked.

"I don't wanna go back to a hospital."Tommy mumbled, Nick nodded in agreement and grimaced.

Allison listened off the names of the rooms of the kids going. Of course they had heard their room.

All the children going that day to the hospital were sitting in a waiting room and going to a doctor a few at a time. How the adults managed to actually get them all an actual appointment like this was unknown. Allison was standing a few feet away, talking to a few nurses. The group could hear her whispering as they were the closest.

"A few of these kids have some bad experience with hospitals and past experiences with abuse so some of this may be difficult with them."She whispered. The nurse nodded.

The nurse stepped forward and said, "Tommy?" Tommy sighed and stood up, he followed the nurse out.

Tommy sat on the bed table thing and boredly sat until the doctor came in.

"Hello, Tommy, right?"He greeted, "I am Dr. Andre-..Andre. Yeah..Nice to meet you, I'm a bit new to the place...I was transferred."He had a kind smile, slick back hair, and had bags underneath his bright green eyes. The way he spoke about being new and being transferred seemed shady but Tommy shrugged it off.

They went through the usual check up, until the doctor asked something unsettling to Tommy, "May you take off your mask?"Tommy slapped the doctors hand that reached out for his mask.

"You need to remove your mask."He repeated. Tommy quickly stood up and went to the door, he gasped loudly when the mask was pulled out and lifted off his face from behind. He threw his arm over his face and ran out of the room, he grew used to things he couldn't see. He could tell where he was going, back to his friends step by step by the way he went to the office, he had a great memory after all.

The others looked up in startlement when they saw Tommy run in with an arm around his face and he plopped back into his seat, heavily breathing.

"Tommy?"Nick questioned.

"T-The guy, h-he pulled my m-mask off."He breathed out.

"He what?"Ashlie growled, already knowing that Tommy had a reason to wear it. She stood up and stomped over to a nurse.

"HEY! One of your doctors took my friends mask off him, he is going to need that back! He has his own personal reasons to wear it and it doesn't help that one of
your doctors pulled off his mask when he wanted to keep it on because of a past event that led him to a hospital!"Ashlie stated, glaring at the nurse even though she knew they had nothing to do with it.

"Uh...Right, we'll get that back for him."She said, startled, she glanced past Ashlie at the boy with an arm covering her face. Some scarred skin was shown, "You are Ashlie, right? It's your turn."Ashlie huffed, and went to follow the nurse.

The others watched her leave and then turned their attention to
their distressed friend that was trying not to cry.

"You okay?"Cory asked. Tommy nods slowly, not moving his arm.

"Cory, your turn."A nurse said. Cory huffed, Pat Tommy on the shoulder, then stood to follow the nurse.

Cory sat on the table and practically ignored the Doctor as he entered the room, the Doctor said, "I'm Dr. Andre. I didn't except anyone else in here besides that boy...Nonetheless, I'll be conducting a simple checkup."They went through what anyone would go through for a check up, checking the ears, checking reflexes, and heart rate.

Cory was just about to stand up to leave as quick as he could, but the doctor stopped him, "I still have some questions." Cory sighed and waited.

"Yes, I am wondering about"He put gently.

"I'm wondering why you are wearing eye contacts with your glasses. You hiding from someone?"Cory snarked. The doctor looked a bit surprised but smiled, "I like green eyes, my grey ones bore me."He lied through his teeth.

"Right. I was born with my camera, nothing else to it. Can I go?"Cory practically growls.

The doctor remained passive, "Fine, give this to your friend now, will you?"He handed him a yellow mask.

Cory then said, as he was about to leave after snatching the mask, "Look, if you are hiding from someone. Get better at dying your hair blonde. The back of your head shows some brown and it stained your neck, idiot."

Cory sat back down in his seat, a bit upset with that rude doctor. He handed the mask back to Tommy, who was still covering up his face, "I got your mask back for ya. Some dumb doctor with messed up, dyed blonde hair."

Tommy let out a excited noise and a muffled, "Thanks!"In a quick and swift motion, he removed his arms and placed the mask over his face again.

"Tommy, how do you even see?"Nick questioned.

"I have my ways."Tommy said vaguely, "And good memory."

"That...doesn't exactly help."Uni said.

"Uni?"A nurse asked. He groaned quietly and sat up to follow.

Uni walked into the doctor's office, from what Cory said, this was the doctor that was mean to Tommy.

"Hello."He said quietly and took a seat, staring daggers at the man's back.

"Hello, Uni, correct?"He said and turned around. Uni stared at his face, he looked familiar.

"Uni, Uni calm down. We aren't going to hurt you. It's just a blood sample."Andrews said and he held Uni's wrist and he kicked and tried to pull away from the doctors in the room.

"Get off me! This is rubbish! I want to leave!"Uni screamed.

"Sedate him, dammit!"Andrews held to another doctor. Uni was in pain, the grip om his wrists would surely bruise. Uni screamed again when a needle was pushed harshly into his arm.

"You okay there?"The doctor said with a forced smile.

"E-Eh...I-I'm fine."Uni said.

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