Garden Wall

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Nick laid in bed motionlessly, waiting till he knew the others were dead asleep. He hid underneath the covers for the longest time, only showing his face. It was late but technically early as heck, it was two am. He really should've urged the others to go to sleep rather then stay up to one thirty. They had stayed up talking about random topics that had really no point in talking about, though, they got some good laughs during it.

He slowly removed his blanket and crawled out of bed. He was wearing his normal clothes, not pajamas. He slipped his shoes on over his socks and left the room as quietly as he possibly could. He cringed while the door creaked shut and prayed no one there was that light of a sleeper.

He held his breath as he tiptoed down the hall, down the stairs, and out to the backyard. He hopped the fence and took one glance at the building to make sure no one had woken. He let out a sign of relief at how he managed to do it again. He ran across the street, the only light was from the moon and street lamps. He walked down the sidewalk for a few minutes before making it there. A large house, and a giant wall made out of tall bushes. Nick made his way through it and into the large garden in the backyard of
a house where he had no idea who even owned it. Though, he secretly hoped that the owner would get hilariously frustrated when they saw their plants moved around the garden mysteriously.

He would always go there, twice, maybe three times a week if possible. He would borrow the tools there, he would dig the plants out of the ground and plant them elsewhere for fun and relaxation. Sometimes he would just fertilize it and water it. His favorite flowers there had to be the Rose bushes. He never replanted them, he only watered and fertilized them to keep them alive, to keep them healthy.

He smiled to himself when thinking about that, how his friend's always wondered and asked how he usually smelled like roses. It was a simple answer, he would always cut off one, single Rose and take it with him. They were his mother's favorite, he knew that about her.  He would keep the rose hidden in his shirt pocket and leave it on the ground in the backyard of the orphanage when it began to wilt and die.

Roses were his favorite now, they smelled sweet and were in different colors as well like some other plants. Whenever he smelt one, he would get small flashes of memory of his adopted mother, his real mother. The way her hair smelled when he hugged her and his face went on her shoulder and near her hair, how she even had some roses in the backyard and had perfume that smelled strongly of the flower. She even wore a pin in the shape of the Rose that was lined gold in her hair that she pulled back in a bun

Nick grabbed a small shovel, walked over to a patch of planted lilacs, and began to dig.

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