Secret Malfunctions.

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Dawn could tell by the time he woke up for the day that it was going to be bad. He could tell by tje throbbing pain he felt on his side, a pain he shouldn't actually feel since he wasn't physically injured. If it wasn't a physical injury, then it was internal. A hardware problem that had to be fixed, fixed before it got worse and messed with other functions of his metallic body. He groaned in pain and annoyance.

"You okay there bud?"Cory asked as he sat on his bed. The others were asleep.

"I'm tired is all.."He lies, "Shouldn't you be asleep? It's still quite early."

"Eh. I'm just getting up to eat breakfast before anyone else, you want anything?"He offered and he climbed down the bed.

"No, I'm fine."Dawn declined. Cory shrugged and left the room. Dawn let out a sigh of relief and grabbed his tools. He opened a large panel on his side, he growled slightly to himself when he saw some loose wiring. He swore that someday he'll find a way to keep those dumb wires in place.

Another time Dawn kept a secret about his well being and his functions as a robot, was when he had woken up in the middle of the night. Dawn was confused as to why he woke up, he literally had his own internal alarm system to keep him asleep for a period of time if it isn't interrupted.

"Oh great...I must have messed with it when I worked on my side..."Dawn muttered to himself. He grabbed his tools as slowly as he could to prevent a sound.
He pulled a screwdriver out and screwed open a panel on his side, he almost banged his head against the bed post at what he saw. Freaking loose wiring again.

"Why couldn't they guy make me so I could always be active and moving around and not just sitting around at his house?"Dawn mumbled to himself in frustration.

The last time Dawn had a obvious malfunction, was when his voice modulator was on the fritz. Dawn had to avoid talking through Breakfast and the others notices his silence when they got back
to the room.

"Okay, Dawn, what's wrong? You haven't spoken a word all mornin'."Uni says.

Dawn opened his mouth to speak and closed it, he has no idea what to say until he sighed and came clean, "mY vOiCe BoX i-i-s mE-mEsSeD uP..."His voice was full of static and fully robotic. The others cringe at the noise.

"Okay, how do we fix it?"Nick said and pulled Dawn's bag from underneath his bed.

Dawn frowned slightly and grabbed a screwdriver, then pointed to the small screws on his throat, "...tH-ThiS m-May taKe a-A-a whILe."

By the end of their repairing, Cory and Nick had oil on their hands while Tommy had a smudge on his face and Uni managed to stay clean and only having grey on his hands that made him smell like smoke.

"Okay, dude, you gotta tell us when these things mess up!"Cory pointed out amd cleaned his hands with a rag, he tossed it over to Nick.

"I know, I know..I just wanna fix! That creator never spent time making sure my wires came loose, I was never really supposed to be going out about about!"Dawn explained.

"Glue."Tommy says.

"What?"Dawn questioned.

"Glue! Super glue! Have you tried that?"He repeated.

"I seriously doubt that..oh my god...glue..will probably work.."

Tommy just beamed.

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