01. awsten

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Dear whoever the fuck the big guy in the sky is,

I was given this journal to write my feelings, and somehow you will magically read it.

Let's get one thing straight between us, coming to this boarding school was a mistake. The only good things to come out of this are Otto and Geoff. Not even Natalia is a good thing. She's saving herself for marriage and won't even let me hold her hand. And me, being a horny and hormonal sixteen year old boy, can't handle the fact that she won't do anything with me.

I'm currently sitting on the bench of this confessional, writing to you in hopes that maybe in the slightest bit you're real, and you'll help me through this time. So, if you even read this, please let something good happen to me this year. I need something to keep my already depressed mind alive, somewhat.


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