018. geoff

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Dear God,

I think that I, Geoff Wigington, am about to get some dick

Joey Armstrong came up to our table during mess hall and asked if he could talk to me in private, of course i accepted. He grabbed my hand and led me out into the court yard where he told me he had liked me for quite some time. I was so surprised that I didn't even give him an answer before the bell rang. He kissed me on the cheek and told me he would see me later.

I really don't know how to feel. Do I like Joey? Yes. Does he give me butterflies? Most definitely. I mean he does constantly call me beautiful. I think I'm going to sneak out with him Friday night, I haven't had a little adventure in a while.

Maybe this is your way of telling me to get over Awsten which is probably for the best. I have Joey now and hopefully things go over well with him because I need it. Is that selfish of me to think?

Please let me not screw this all up...


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