040. geoff

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Dear God,

He did it. He finally opened the door.

I can't tell you how fast my heart started beating when I hear dthe door knob twist. As soon as the door came open I brought Awsten into an embrace and held him close to me.

I could feel his tense body instantly relax to my touch which made me smile like a complete fool. He started to cry which instantly pulled at my heart.

Awsten is currently curled up next to me fast asleep and all I can do is stare. It's just like the first time, I thought this would never happen again but here I am.

He looks so at peace when he's sleeping, like nothing could ever harm him. All I want to do is kiss his beautiful lips and whisper sweet nothings to him until he feels okay again.

I've lost track of how many times I've said this, but Awsten truly is the prettiest boy I've ever had the blessing to lay eyes on. Thank you for finally giving him the strength he need to open the door. I'm sure this is what both of us have really needed.


The Confessional// gawsten ✓Where stories live. Discover now