026. geoff

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Dear MY Lord and Savior,

Waking up half naked in Joey's dorm room with hickeys covering half of my chest is one of the best things ever, in all honesty. 

My mind is a muddled mess from the night before so I can't recall a lot. All I know is that what ever happened, it felt amazing. It feels nice to actually get my mind off of things and Joey helps to make that happen. I need to stop myself before I get addicted to this boy, but I think it's to late.  

Luckily it's Saturday and there's no classes today or I would be caught in a heartbeat for how hungover I am. All I want to do in lay here in Joey's arms all day, which will most likely happen seeming that moving even the slightest bit makes my head pound.  

He's starting to stir so I have to wrap this up. Thank you for letting things go well with Joey so far, he's truly amazing. You're a miracle worker. 


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