014. geoff

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Dear whomever,

Awsten is coming to my dorm tonight and I'm not sure how to feel.

Yes, I'm happy to see him yet I also feel like a burden in his presence. That's not really an excuse anymore because I feel that way towards everyone.  

I really hope I don't fuck things up, not that it really matters at this point. I can't lie to myself and say I haven't missed Awsten. Maybe I can do something to make him laugh. That always makes my heart flutter. Dammit Geoff, stop.  

Please don't let anything about my parents come out of my mouth. I can tell by the look in his eyes latley that he's worried enough about me. I don't need Otto or him to watch my every move because of something I say. Then I definitely couldn't go through with anything.  

I need a lot of help tonight... I hope you're actually there this time.  


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