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By the end of the day, Destiny had quite a few acquaintances. But only one of them was the person she would truly love to have as a friend. Her name was Sarah and she was in her second class. She was the girl Destiny had sat next to earlier that day.

Sarah was a normally-built girl with brown curly hair that framed her face and glasses which made her brown eyes pop out. Overall, she was a very sympathetic looking girl. Sarah was also shyer, like Destiny.

Riley, on the other hand, thought that she had found a new friend. She was wrong, but she didn't know it. When she had seen Destiny, she had thought that she would get along with her and her group of friends. But there was something else. She had seen the pain behind Destiny's eyes. Riley was one of those people who loved helping other people. Whenever she saw someone sad, she couldn't stand it. She had grown up in such a happy and balanced family that she didn't know what sadness was. Still, she had her own problems, just like the rest of the population on Earth.

That day, after school, Riley and Maya had gathered at her place. As usual, they had sat in her room, on the window seat, which they called "the bay window".

"What do you think of the new girl?", Maya asked, curious and interested if Riley wanted to accept Destiny in their group.

Riley furrowed her eyebrows."Destiny? Well, did you see her?"

She remembered how the new girl had behaved that day. Somewhat more closed and reserved. There had to be something wrong.

Riley could see that Destiny was a nice girl, but she had problems. And because Riley was that kind of girl, she wanted to do something good and become her friend.

"It's like she's hiding something," the brunette began, looking down in her lap. Maya's eyes were shot straight at her friend's wrists, pressed against each other, like they were tied with a rope. "Some kind of a dark secret."

The blonde couldn't help but agree. And she knew if they asked their friends, they would side with them. There was something about the new girl that was so mysterious to them and alienated her from the rest of their classmates. The girls couldn't help but wonder what was up with her.

Later during the day, they gathered the whole gang under the pretext that they were all studying together. Riley didn't want her father to know anything quite yet.

Alas Matthews and his wife had noticed something odd, but for the first time, they had decided to keep quiet, for the sake of their daughter. They had assumed that it was just something to do with the homework.

"Shouldn't we do something?", Matthews' wife asked him, clearly not believing her daughter's excuse.

He shook his head. "No, Topanga. If Riley is ready, she'll tell us. She is old enough."

Topanga tensed in her husband's arms. She needed to know more.

Meanwhile, in Riley's room, there was a vote. The majority was in for helping their classmate, so at the end of the day it was decided.

"We gotta help her . . ."

Girl Meets Destiny [GIRL MEETS WORLD]Where stories live. Discover now