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Destiny could have sat in the park all day long, just swinging carelessly and listening to the same song playing on repeat, if it wasn't for an event that could be called "life changing".

She was sitting in the park innocently. No one was paying her enough attention to remind her that she was too old to be sitting on the swings. Unlike most of her peers, she couldn't lie that she was at least twelve years old or younger.

She was surrounded by parents and children. Pretty pictures of idyllic families. She didn't have such a family when she was the kids' ages. She didn't know what it was to have a father.

Destiny took her earphones and listened to the giggles around her. She chuckled to herself when she saw a dog running too fast for his owner to catch up with it.

"Arlo, stop it!", the old woman yelled at her dog. Destiny thought it was cute. She had never had any pets. The family that had "raised" her, were allergic to pets. So naturally, she hadn't grown up with any preferences for animals. She didn't know whether she liked fish better than hamsters. The only animals she had ever seen were in her schoolbooks.

The world came back to reality when someone sat on the swing next to her.

A boy.

A pretty boy indeed.

The stranger didn't share a lot with Keith. His hair and skin were lighter, but not too much. His baby face was charming, more attractive than Keith's.

Destiny could have spoken first had she been braver. Stupid shyness. When the stranger looked at her and smiled, she felt like she had blushed. Had she ever blushed? What was she supposed to feel to recognize blushes? That was unfamiliar for her.

The boy, who didn't seem to want to take his eyes off Destiny, extended his hand for her to shake it. "Tyler," he introduced himself.

Destiny introduced herself back, shaking his hand politely and smiling. She was slowly learning how to socialize more properly, using the young people she saw in the streets as examples.

"Unique name," he complimented. Why did everyone think Destiny was a unique name? Hadn't they heard it before? First Riley, now Tyler . . .

She made a weird face, attempting to laugh it off. That amused the boy, who had never met a girl like Destiny. She thought how nice it was that she was starting to meet new people, who would tell and show her more about the world around her. She was sincerely hoping Tyler would be just as faithful as Keith had been to her.

Suddenly, Destiny didn't care about homework or her letters. Heck, she didn't care if her dad scolded her for staying out late.

All she wanted was to spend more time with the cute boy she had met that day.

Girl Meets Destiny [GIRL MEETS WORLD]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum