Chapter 7: What? Why? Huh??

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## Author Note: ##

I'm SOooooooo SORRY! Sorry for the late upload that lasted forever!!!!!  I had a huge writes block!!!! So.... Guess what!!! I'm finally going to continue.. So sorry.. again.. meh!!! I seriously am!! As a sorry gift .. I have a surprise.... at the end.. hehe!


John, Please don't fall for her...

Why can't I?

Because she might hurt you..I 

 Maybe she's different?

No! I can't risk it.. Never!

# I love the way I hate you #

## Chapter 7 ##

#### Continued... Finally ####

Lucas POV

I watch as she sleep peacefully. Her lips parted a bit as she slept. The rest of the boys have gone to bed. It's 11 :48  p.m..

I better carry her to her room. But.. Well... Should I ? 

I decided that I should. I can't let her freeze in the living room. I slide my right arm  under her knee and my left arm under her neck. She stir a bit before settling a position which made me stiff for a while.. Her face was facing my chest and I could feel her breathe. She was cuddled towards my chest as I regained power to my body and made my way to her room. 

Slowly , so slowly, I laid her down onto the bed. I was just about to remove my arms from where they were. But Sarah stirred and grabbed my collar, and pulling me onto the bed. 

" Woah!" I landed face first.  

" Ouch! " Rubbing my nose. It's probably red by now.

" HMM!" Sarah groaned and suddenly her legs were locked on my legs making it impossible for me to move my legs.. Great!

" Sarah ! I have to go back to my room! " I whispered. 

"hmm, don't go! " She said, pulling me into her.

" Don't leave me.... John.."

John! John! Yes! Everything is John!! 

" Sarah, I have to go ! " 

" No! I said No!!" Sarah whined. 

" Sarah, I'm not John." I couldn't take it anymore.

" I don't care.. I want you to stay! "

" No!"


"Sarah! "

" Grrr" She stirred the other way and set me free.

I couldn't forget she saying. ' Dont leave me.... John..'

John... this.... John that!! Argghhh

I walked out of the room before slaming the door and stomped my way to my room. And slammed the door before jumping on my bed. 

" Ahhhh!"  I shouted into my pillow. 

I should stop liking her....

 Yea, thats right I should...

With that, sleep swallowed me whole. And I dreamt nothing. Blank! Na-- da-

*            *            *

I woke up the next morning in my bed. Heh? I thought I was sleeping on the couch.

I stood away from the bed and washed up before going out of my room. Being greeted by the most ...ahhhhh-!!

" It's friday, friday, gotta wake up on friday! " 

"SHUT UPPPPPPP!!!!!" I screamed.

" Sorry about that ! " Eman said sincerely before continuing.

" This is my moment, moment. "

Gosh!! Help me!.

As I passed a few doors, a door opened before it hit me. Phewww~

Lucas came out, " God! Eman Shut UP!!" 

" sorry! "  cue in 1... 2.... " Baby baby baby ohhhhh!  Like baby baby--"

" God I can't st--" He turned to me, before.." oh! Sarah. hehe Hi! " shock was filled in his face. 

" Yeah! Morning. You want breakfast?" 

" Sure!"

 We continue our way on the stairs before entering the -baby- filled kitchen.

I stuff two bread into the toaster and waited for it to pop out.

" so, ermmm Sarah.. I .. ermm... carried you into your room last night. And.."

" Really You did? Thank you!!"

" ermm, Yea sure!" And the toaster popped. As the toast flew up a bit. Before it couls land back into the toaster, i grabbed and laid it on the plate. 

" You want?" I asked. Offering Lucas a toast.

" Sure." He grabbed one before stuffing it into his mouth.

"  I -- wes -- thankig-- meyd..."  He said while his mouth was still full.

" Lucas! Chew! Nom Nom... Swallow.. Gulp." I fake taught him.

He swallowed before continuing. " I know how to swallow okay!. Anyways, as I was saying...

Wouldyo--da-wi-hmetoni--ghtat 8?"

" All I heard is 8..."

He breathed a bit. " Would You Go On A Date With Me?" 

" What!!" Eman choke.  I stared at him. " eh??" I said as I was blank.

" Would You Go On A Date With Me Tonight at 8 ? "

Do I wanna go? Really do I? Am I excited? What!! I don't ahhhhhh! 

Ermm, it's was just a friends date right. Where we talk to each other, in a friends way. I think. Nothing is wrong with that...

" Sure."

## Author Note: ##

HaH!! Done.. Short? Yes it is.... Well as You see... Lucas.... asked .... Sarah OUT!!! WOHOO!!

Whoop whoop!! Anyways! I want help from the readers.. Can any of you guys write the chapter for the date which is Chapter 8 for me?? Any one?? If so , tell me. I'll write the infos in the Next non-chapter.. Okay?? It'll be like a competition... Like One-Shots? Oh and..... If No ones gonna do.. I'll have to do theChapter 8: date myself.. So that might take another what 2 -3 weeks??

Kay... BYE!!!! I wanna see how many people is going to write... For me... :D

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