Chapter 8: The 'date'

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A/N: Nobody wanted to help? I feel so sad, so I'm going to end it soon.. Not that soon. But there is still readers so I'll finish this okay? Yeah! CONTINUE!!


It will just be a friend date right?



I wore my yellow sundress with ruffles at the hem. It was my favorite dress. And I thought maybe I should be happy that I'm going on a date with Lucas.

I mean he's sweet and handsome. And plus he cares for me. Yes I should just go with the flow!

I continued curling my brownish-blonde hair. As I was done I started applying light make up and a sweet pink lip balm, I looked okay for once, my hair was curly and not messy.

So I took my black converse and headed down stairs. I slipped my sneakers on and wait for Lucas. For a guy he took a lonnggggggg time. But it was time yet. It was only 7:00. I started rubbing my sweaty palm again my sundress. But stop, why am I sooooo nervous?

I slowly went to the kitchen to wash my hands but instead found John on the floor half asleep. Didn't he have  bedroom. I shook my head. I went over to the sink and washed my hands. Before going in front of John and sprinkling the droplets of water on his face. 

He didn't even flinched!

He's no fun!

I started slowly dragging my converse and slowly shoved his leg.

Not even a movement. 

I shook his shoulder harshily...

Not a movement.

Wow, imagine if there was an earthquake and we left him here.. Yeah... I smiled slyly at the thought and laughed evilly, I'm so evil.

I decided I needed him to wake up.... For some unknown reasons, so I did the one thing a girl could do...


I screamed at the top of my lungs. The eery sound made me shudder. I look at John.

"Oh GOD!! THE HELL!!! WHAT'S WRONG!! WHODIEDWHERE'STHEFIRE!!! "He said so quickly I laughed.

Since I stayed in a house full of boys. It's there instinct to come and see why I scream.

"OH WHAT IS THE PROB!!!!???" The rest of the boys came. Including Lucas who's pants was half done. I blushed a bit. EMBARRASSING! The boys looked at Lucas and Lucas was like..

"Whaa-- Oh.. Ops. Sorry!" He went back up probably to fix his pants. 

Eman spoke first." What's wrong Sarah?" Concerned was filled in his expression.

"I saw John." I lied and smiled sheepishly.

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