1: Moving in

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Ok so I just wanted to clear some things up before we begin
Y/N: your name
H/C: hair color
H/L: hair length
E/C: eye color
F/C: favorite color
~Your P.O.V~
"Yah!," I yelled at Taehyung as he kept trying to wake me up. I've been on this plane for over 10 hours and I haven't slept once.

I was moving to Korea to live with my best friend Tae, we've known each other as long as we could remember. "Y/N, wake uppppp," he said, poking my arm. "I'm bored talk to meeeee." He made a strange face at me, making me laugh.

"Okayyy. Fine." I sat up. He smiled happily. "I'm a bit nervous, Tae." His cute little box shaped smile turned into a frown. "Why?" He asked. "It's just that....... what if the boys won't like me?" I frowned.

"They'll love you Y/N!" I made an unsure face, "Okay.." I said. "Here I'll tell you about them!" He said smiling, once again. My lips curved into a slight smile.

"Okay so Jungkook is the youngest, he's always hitting his hyungs and he's good at everything, he'll probably try to show off and compete with you. Then there's Jimin but everyone calls him Jiminie. He's really short, he's a very caring person. He can be shy at first but he'll warm up to you quickly. Then we have Namjoon but his stage name is RapMonster. He's the tallest member. He's very deep and meaningful, and he speaks English very well. Be careful though, he's good at breaking things accidentally. Then we have Hoseok, but his stage name is J-hope. He's always happy and positive. He makes friends quickly. Then we have Yoongi, but his stage name is Suga. He always sleeps and he is grumpy most of the time. He doesn't really make facial expressions that often, or smile. If he is a little rude to you don't take it personally. Then we have Jin. He's like the mother of the group. He is very sweet but he can be disciplining at times. He is very good at cooking." Tae finished.

A voice began to speak through the intercom "We will be landing at the destination shortly everyone, please stay seated." Tae looked at me excitedly. We were both freaking out like little kids in a candy store. Once we landed Tae got my luggage and handed it to me, grabbing his luggage as well. When we got off of the plane we saw 6 boys standing at the end of the terminal. Tae ran up to them, dropped his luggage, and hugged each of them tightly.

"I missed you guys!!!" He said excitedly. "We missed you too!" The one with the really bright smile said. I set my luggage down next to Tae's. "Guys, introduce yourself to Y/N." Tae said. The shortest member looked at me, "Hi! Im Jimin." He said as he shook my hand. He looked a bit shy. The next member to greet me smiled brightly, he pulled me in for a very tight hug. "Hi Y/N!!! I'm Hoseok but you can call me J-hope!" He let go of the hug and I smiled. The next person to greet me looked younger than the rest of them. "Hi. I'm Jungkook." He said smiling. He shook my hand. The next member was very tall. "Hello, im Namjoon. Nice to meet you." His English Pronunciation was perfect. I shook his hand. The next member smiled and shook my hand. "Hi, I'm Jin." He said simply. The next member just looked at me for a few seconds. He then, smiled. "Hi, im Yoongi." He said, still smiling.

~Taehyung's P.O.V~
Everybody's jaw dropped except for Yoongi's and Y/N's. Yoongi actually gave her a genuine smile. None of us have seen him genuinely smile while meeting one of our friends before. Everyone was staring at them in shock. Yoongi was just staring at her, smiling like an idiot. Jin walked over to them. "I'm sorry to ruin your little staring contest but, Yoongi are you feeling alright?" He asked. Yoongi didn't break eye contact with Y/N and he didn't stop smiling. "Couldn't be better." He said. Jin began to look concerned. "Are you sure?" Yoongi stopped smiling and gave Jin a dirty look. "Were you not listening the first time I answered your question? Yes," He said sternly. "I'm fine." I was confused at Suga hyung's actions towards Y/N.

~ Your P.O.V. ~
Okay I had to admit it, he was cute. No, he was hot. He had a cute little gummy smile that could melt the whole entire world. RapMonster cleared his throat. "I'll take your bags to the car for you Y/N." he smiled. "Oh, thank you!" I said smiling. Yoongi looked at him, expressionless. "No," he said. Namjoon looked shocked. "Let me do it." He said.
"B-but I offered fir-"
"Listen to your hyung."
I smiled. "Thanks Yoongi."

Tae grabbed his bag and Yoongi grabbed my bag. J-hope ran up to me, smiling, and put his arm around my shoulder. "You're going to love it at our house Y/N! We have a big TV and a nice couch! We can movie nights together and cuddle! We can also have snacks!!! I'm so excited!" He said. I giggled at his actions. "That would be fun." I said smiling.
Once we got to the car, well, more like limo, Yoongi and Tae put the luggage in the trunk. "I call sitting next to Y/N!" Tae shouted.

"I call sitting on the other side of her!" Jimin yelled.

"Hyungggg I wanted to sit next to her!" Jungkook hit Jimin's arm.

"No, me!" Jin said.

"But I wanted to!" Namjoon cut in.

"Let me sit next to her!" J-hope shouted.

Yoongi stepped infront of them and looked at them with a straight face.

"O-oh. You can have the seat next to her, hyung." Jimin said.

"Thanks." He said, getting in the car.

Everyone got in the car. Tae and Yoongi were sitting beside me. "It's late," Tae said. I looked at the phone on my clock. It was 11:24 P.M. "You can sleep in my room!" Tae said, smiling. "Okay." You nodded. Shortly, you arrived at the house. You instantly dropped your jaw. It was huge. "Wow....." you said. Everyone in the front row of the car got out. Jin opened the door for me to get out, "Welcome home, Y/N." he said smiling. "Thanks." I got out of the car along with Tae and Yoongi. Tae and Yoongi went in the back and grabbed the luggage. All of us walked up to the front of the house as Jin unlocked the door. As soon as he opened it I was in awe. The white walls complimented the tan furniture perfect. They had a huge flat screen TV. "Your house is beautiful!" You said to Tae. He smiled sweetly, "Well now it's your house too!" He booped my nose, making me smile. Jin smiled, "Can me and Namjoon show you around the house?" He asked. "Yeah!" I replied. They showed me everyone's room, the bathrooms, kitchen, etc.
It was 12:36. "Hey guys I think we should get to sleep." Tae said. Yoongi rolled his eyes "You couldn't have said it better," he said already walking to his room. "Peace out." He said, then he looked at me specifically. "Goodnight Y/N." he smiled. I blushed and looked down "Goodnight Yoongi."

Tae lead me to his room, where my stuff already was. I decided it would be okay to change in his room since we were best friends. I changed into pajamas, so did Taehyung.

"What side do you want?" Tae asked

"You can have the side closest to the wall, I wanna sleep on the edge."

"Okay." Tae nodded.

He got in bed as I turned off the light. I got in bed shortly after.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Tae."

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