Power Struggle.

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Anti had captured another human along the way to their nest. The boy had come, like the girl, to save Jack! Well, you had come to be a hero only to die a failure. The boy had to have been nothing but a mere 15 years old. He had wanted to kill the boy as soon as they'd captured him, but nevaR would not hear a single word of it and had irked him about murdering someone in the middle of the day.

"You bitched at me about my fire at night, so I'm bitching at you for killing this worm baby during the fucking day!"

It seriously made him question why he even chose her to begin with.

You didn't really pick her. It was all happenstance; coincidentally, she had a monster inside of her binding it's time to come out and you simply...sped up the process.

Yes, well, I was the one who found the monster inside. It was I who opened the cage."

But she came to you, Anti, you didn't go find her. You didn't put forth the effort to pick her from the bushels of possible companions. She found you.

"That's where you're wrong. She didn't come for me; she came for him. I lead her to her death. She came to save Sean from me, just like the rest of them...,"

There was a slight break in his voice as if it had wounded him to say that aloud.

You sound sad, Anti, does it bother you that her original mission was to save Jack from you? Not to come be with you? You wanted to believe that at first, to spear yourself from the truth. They all loved you... until you killed their favorite...

"Fuck off! Luna may have been for Jack, but nevaR choose to stay with me. She's mine now, and that's all that matters."

Yea, keep telling yourself that, AntiSepticEye. Luna still lives in nevaR, just as Jack still lives in you. They both know the truth. When they come back, they'll run as far away from each other as possible. You'll be alone all over again, and if you manage to kill Jack again and find Luna, she'll be disgusted with you. You're a monster. A freak. She'll push you away, just like Jack did...

"Fuck you; nevaR will stay because she won't have a fucking choice. I'll make her stay forever! She wants to be with me. She'll do anything I ask just to please me. Leave me be."

You can't keep her as a prisoner. You have to value her, protect her, care for her. Considering you're incapable of doing so, what will you do? Will you mistreat her, push her away? Will you abandon her? Will you kill her? What will you do, Ant? You can't love this girl. You ache for her companionship, but you don't know what 'love' is. What. Will. You. Do?

"I...don't know. I don't know what I'll do..."

These thoughts were a cotillion in his mind as they waited for the day to die down. Anti picked up a stick and looked at it with a thick level of boredom. He needed something, anything to do. He tossed the stick with mild irritation as he shot a glance up at their captive, who was tied to a tree high above him where nevaR was surveying the perimeter while seated on a branch beside the human.

This is tedious. I want to hunt. I want to play with her. I am incapable of having feelings, but I will admit, this game has been much more fun with her around. I don't feel so heavy. I don't feel so alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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